Dostupnost FreeStyle libre u Srbiji - Da dijabetes manje boli



I am diabetic for 12 years

(Subotica, 2019-02-19)


Olaksajmo zivot osobama koje zive sa dijabetesom

(Kragujevac, 2019-02-19)


Imam u porodici dijabeticara

(Morovic, 2019-02-19)


Imam dete obolelo od dijabetesa tip1

(Novi Sad, 2019-02-19)


I im diabetic longer than 10 years

(Beograd, 2019-02-19)



(Belgrade, 2019-02-19)


Za nekoga.

(Beograd, 2019-02-19)


želim da svi oboljeli od dijabetesa tip1 dođu što prije do bezbolnih senzora Libre i žive život bez boli!

(Banja Luka, 2019-02-19)


Jer mnogo dece boluje od dijabetesa

(Ruma, 2019-02-19)


I want to help people with diabetes.

(Wien, 2019-02-19)


I support this Petition.

(Ruma, 2019-02-19)


because I am diabetik

(Pancevo, 2019-02-19)


Ljudsko pravo je pravo na zdravlje!

(Zagreb, 2019-02-19)


Za svu decu!

(Beograd, 2019-02-19)


Zato sto je u svim civilizovanim zemljma sveta taj uredjaj pokriven zdravstvenim osiguranjem!!!

(Ariel, 2019-02-19)


U pitanju je zdravlje, ostali razlozi su suvisni

(Beograd, 2019-02-19)


Radim sa decom dijabeticarima i znam kroz sta sve prolaze

(Kragujevac, 2019-02-20)


Moja mama i ja smo dijabeticari

(Pancevo, 2019-02-20)


I think this is very important

(Milan, 2019-02-20)


I am signing because I am diabetic and I am doing this thinks many times per day.

(Kragujevac, 2019-02-20)


I'm singing because Freestyle libre is needed for childrens and adults who have diabetes. Serbia have the same needs as other countries, this is necessary for people, but mostly for children.

(Ćuprija, 2019-02-20)


Because I care...

(Kragujevac, 2019-02-20)


My daughter and husband are diabetic.

(Novi Sad, 2019-02-20)


Because I hate taking blood

(Ahrensburg, 2019-02-20)


I am diabetic, typ 2.

(Mladenovac, 2019-02-20)


I’m signing because My sister need it

(Subotica, 2019-02-20)


Love kids

(Ruma, 2019-02-20)


To help people in Serbia

(Jagodina, 2019-02-20)


I ja sam dihabetičar

(Ruma, 2019-02-20)


my little niece, Lena has diabetes. She is 9 y/o and she got it when she was only 4.

(Novi Sad, 2019-02-20)


Jer je moj muž dijabetičar na insulinu

(Subotica, 2019-02-20)


I can.

(Lazarevac, 2019-02-20)


Zato što tako treba da bude

(Podgorica, 2019-02-20)


Because I have also in my family persons with same sickness and same problems

(Frýdek-Místek, 2019-02-20)