Ελληνικά: Against detaching the National Observatory of Athens from Greece's network of research centers
Against detaching the National Observatory of Athens from Greece's network of research centers
Σέβομαι την επιστημονική ιστορία του ιδρύματος και την προσφορά του στη χώρα μας, είμαι πεισμένος για την ανωτερότητα των αποτελεσμάτων της ανθρώπινης έρευνας όταν αυτή πραγματοποιείται σε συνθήκες ακαδημαϊκής ελευθερίας και τέλος γιατί τίποτα δε γίνεται καλά, όταν δεν έχει τη σύμφωνη γνώμη των ειδικών εργαζόμενων που εμπλέκονται άμεσα.Φάνης Μισιρλής (Πόλη του Μεξικού, 2023-11-22)
NOA is an excellent organization, and should be better granted.Mengfei Zhang (Hangzhou, 2023-11-22)
I do not agree with the detachment of NOAGerassimos Papadopoulos (Sendai, 2023-11-23)
Θεωρώ απαράδεκτη τη μεταφορά του ΕΑΑ, αλλά και οποιουδήποτε άλλου ερευνητικού ινστιτούτου, κέντρου, οργανισμού από το φυσικό του χώρο της έρευνας σε μια διοικητική υπηρεσία. Και, φυσικά, γιατί συμφωνώ με το κείμενο των ερευνητών του ΕΑΑ.Κωνσταντίνος Ηλιόπουλος (Αθήνα, 2023-11-23)
There is no doubt the NOA is among the best research centers in Greece and Europe-wide. Similarly as in many other countries having such research centres incorporating the measurement instrumentation to support their research (observatory facilities), this great additional effort in obtaining it own data should not disregard it as research institute.Jaroslav Urbar (Prague, 2023-11-23)
It doesn't make sense to change the Ministry under which the observatory operates, given the area of expertise of the people working there.Víctor Manuel Patiño (Puebla, 2023-11-23)
Independent unbiased research is very important.Spyros Papantoniou (Athens, 2023-11-23)
Greece is in urgent need of unadultered, unpatronised, objective and evidence-based approached to tackle its climate catastrophes. This go well beyond civil protection and the NOA has a crucial role in research and innovation, which should not be directly supervised by policy superiors.Pavlos Georgiadis (Alexandroupoli, 2023-11-23)
NOA is a world-class center which is producing significant contribution in fundamental physics and astrophysics. The change toward operation base seems a waste of the researcher expertise to little avail.Etienne Pariat (Paris, 2023-11-23)
I want to support colleagues from Athens who believe it's better to stay under GSRI, since this is more close to their work.Ana Lalović (Belgrade, 2023-11-23)
Academic freedom is integralEfstratios Gavves (AMSTERDAM, 2023-11-23)
I strongly believe that there is huge misalignment of NOA scope of work and practice with the one of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection. The latter should establish substantially different executive entities to meet the challenges of its objectives.George Kakaletris (Athens, 2023-11-23)
The NOA stands as a crucial research center, particularly in assessing the impact of Space Weather on Earth's infrastructure. Any disruptions to the operational capabilities of this unit would impede Europe's advancement in both scientific research and practical applications in this field.Łukasz Tomasik (Warsaw, 2023-11-23)
NOA is an akademic, research institution not dependent on economic structures and social administration bodies but interacting with them as a discrete and self defined entity positioned in the social evolution field as an a discrete academic entity.Dimitrios Christakis (HERAKLION, 2023-11-23)
Θέλω επιστημονική έρευνα ανεξάρτητη απο πολιτικές σκοπιμότητες.Elias Tziritis (Αθήνα, 2023-11-23)
The place of NOA is definitely in GSRI!They are not supposed to be moved to MCCCP because it's not a scientific organization and will harm the capacity and expertise of the colleagues built during the years.
Ivanka Stateva (Sofia, 2023-11-23)
Research should not be used in favour of any government.Lefteris Pinakis (Heraklion, 2023-11-23)
I consider that moving NOA from the GSRT will degrade its quality and services.Michael Styllas (Paris, 2023-11-23)
The research developed by NOA is cruzial in all the fields of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space applications, Environment, Energy and Meteorology, Seismology, and Geodynamics. Particularly, in the field of meteorology the research developed by NOA and its collaboration with other European laboratories is outstanding. Despite the very good work developed to transfer and disseminate their knowledge, it is based in a very good and deep researchMaria Carmen Llasat Botija (Barcelona, 2023-11-23)
Είναι οφθαλμοφανές πως ένα ερευνητικό κέντρο σαν το Αστρεροσκοπείο Αθηνών πρέπει να υπάγεται στη Γενική Γραμματεία Έρευνας και Καινοτομίας. Μη παίζετε πολιτικά παιγνίδια με την γνώση και την επιστήμη γιατί θα μας έλθει μπούμεραγκ.Νικόλαος Μπονάνος (Αθήνα, 2023-11-23)
I had very good contacts with researchers in NOA, it is indeed a high level institute, that is leading several research communities in Europe, it seems boss that such institute can have its research component changed.Jean-Baptiste Filippi (Corte, 2023-11-23)
NOA's research efforts rely on it's character and Network of affiliated institutions. It should not be part of a temporary Governmental policy that will alienate it from it's long term goalsEugenios Zervoudis (Athens, 2023-11-23)
I am signing because the role of NOA as a pivot of scientific excellence in different fields of geophysics and Sun-Earth relations must be preserved. NOA's capacity in attracting funds devoted to advance the current understanding of our planet and of the circumterrestrial environment demonstrates its excellence and its crucial role at international level.Lucilla Alfonsi (ROMA, 2023-11-23)
Because this act go against the inerests of Greece and the scientific recherce in GreeceIOANNIS KATSIKIS (ATHENS, 2023-11-23)
I strongly belive in the necessity the National Observatory of Athens to continue to its contributions to scientific advancement from the right place , the General Secretariat of Research & Innovation of the Ministry of Development.Yioula Zachioti (Anavyssos, 2023-11-23)
This is an irrational decision that goes against research and public good.Katerina Pastra (Athens, 2023-11-24)