Save the Norwegian Institute at Athens!



I'm signing because I know the value of the Norwegian institutue for the Humanities in general, not just Classics.

(Groningen, 2018-10-31)


Athens is one of the few cities in the world where scholars from many countries come together to share their knowledge and experience. The Norwegian Institute embodies this for Norway, and its broad orientation, interesting fieldwork and relevant and important activities and publications make it a highly esteemed Institution. Furthermore, the possibility they offer to Norwegian scholars and students to become involved in the international scholarly network of Athens is a great asset for Norway. Finally, the Institute is a great calling-card for your country, not only for Greece, but for all the countries represented here. I urge you provide a sound financial and organisational footing to this important institution so that it can maintain its prominent role in the network of Athenian institutes and for the Norwegian state.

(Alkmaar/Athens, 2018-10-31)


As an archaeologist/ancient historian working often in Greece, I am well aware of the importance of the Norwegian Institute, not only as a centre for Norwegian classical studies and activities in Greece, it is also an integral part of the vibrant academic and cultural international community formed by foreign schools in Athens. Closure of the institute would not only mean a loss to the Norwegian (and Nordic) community, but causes irreversible damage to the spirit of international and European cooperation.

(Amsterdam, 2018-10-31)


This is important.

(Stockholm, 2018-10-31)


Every research institution at Athens gives an important contribution to our understanding of the ancient world and the conservation of archaeological sites now. Therefore funding and upkeep of these institutions should be a common goal among all.

(Munich, 2018-10-31)


we re proud to have such a prestigious inst. in Athens and we want it kept as it is!

(ΜΥΚΟΝΟΣ, 2018-10-31)


För fyra år sedan stod Svenska institutet i Athen inför hot om nedläggning, som tack och lov avvärjdes. Dessa periodiska utspel är en besvärande trend, och jag hoppas att även det norska institutet besparas följderna av sådan snöd kortsiktigthet.

(Göteborg, 2018-10-31)


I´m signing because I regard our Norwegian colleagues´ scientific work in Greece very important, for which the existence of the Norwegian Institute at Athens of course is essential

(Athens, 2018-10-31)


The planned closing of the Norwegian Institute at Athens (a weird idea in itself) would be a catastrophe not only for Norwegian students and scholars, but also, in many ways (not only because of the Nordic library, run by the four institutes together), for the other Nordic institutes in Athens.

(Helsinki, 2018-10-31)


The Norwegian Institute in Athens is one of those small, but extremely vital institutions taking part in the ongoing European dialogue about the Classical Antiquity and its manyfold legacy and being part of, to put it classically, a choros polyphonos, a choir of many voices. Cutting it down would be tantamount to muting a crucial channel of communication, fieldwork and exchange in a whole range of areas. This would be a huge loss both for colleagues from abroad and for the thriving comunity of Norwegian classicists and archaeologists to miss Norway's voices in this debate!

(Tübingen, 2018-10-31)


I support the notion that it is important to support classical studies and understand the human story.

(Gainesville, FL, 2018-10-31)


I'm signing because knowledge is the greatest treasure

(Athens, 2018-10-31)


I’m signing because this is bloody important!

(Brussel, 2018-10-31)


Jag uppskattar mycket det arbete som drivs genom forskning och undervisning samt de utgrävningar. Det måste fortsätta bedriva det kulturella verksmheten even i framtiden till gagn Norge och övriga Norden.

(Athen, 2018-10-31)


I am an American archaeologist working in Greece and I recognize the importance of this institution for Mediterranean archaeology.

(Appleton, Wisconsin, 2018-10-31)


The Norwegian Institute at Athens advances scholarship and promotes cultural exchange and understanding. It deserves the support it needs to continue its valuable work.

(New Haven, CT, 2018-10-31)


This and important institute that must be saved and preserved.

(Sydney, 2018-10-31)


Norwegian Institute at Athens is an important institute, where has been excellent resarch work done and teaching has also been in high level. Norwegian Institute is also on important part of the network of all Nordic Institutes at Athens - Scandinavian co-operation has resulted great achievements for all those, who have been studying in these institutes. Moreover, international researchwork and co-operation at Athens has remarkable impact to many fields of scientific research and this must be as important to Norwegian scholars as it is for scholars of USA, Gerat Britain, Germany, Italy, France, Finland and Sweden, just to mention some examples of countries.

(Helsinki, 2018-10-31)


I en tid med stadig raskere forandringer på de fleste plan av betydning, er seriøst basert kulturutveksling viktigere enn noensinne.

(Færvik, 2018-10-31)


In academic solidarity from Ghent University.

(Ghent, 2018-10-31)


The Norwegian School of Classics is an outstanding Institution for research in the European roots of human culture.
Professor for New Testament in Marburg, Germany

(Marburg, 2018-10-31)


Vi har så tynne kontaktlinjer til Sør-Europa! Vi trenger sjanse til nærvær over tid, i Athen og Roma. Ildsjeler har opprettet og driver instituttene, ulike som de er. Vertdige vern, støtte og samarbeid!

(Fredrikstad, 2018-10-31)


All civilisations have to be respected

(Athens, 2018-10-31)


For Science...

(Tripolis, 2018-10-31)


If you lose the resources to look backwards, you lose the ability to evaluate the present or anticipate the future in any meaningful way.

(Moffat, 2018-10-31)


Small countris need to support one another. Greece and Norway have always been close.
It is provincial to cut connectons to knowledge of the ancient period as well as to the most popular touristdestination for modern Norwegians. I go to Greece every year.

(Bergen, 2018-10-31)


Apart from eveything else, this could be a great platform to support the valuable maritime links that exist between Norway and Greece.

(Rotterdam, 2018-10-31)


The closure or reduction of the Norwegian Institute at Athens would be the absolutely wrong sign of rupture with Greece in a moment in which Greece urgently needs the support of the intrernational community.

(Heidelberg, 2018-10-31)


The Norwegian Institute offers important services and opportunities for Norwegian and international scholars and demonstrates the commitment of Norway to the study of the European past.

(Saint Louis, 2018-10-31)


The study of classical history is pivotal to future innovation

(Indianapolis, 2018-10-31)


The NIA has a notable and much valued presence in the cultural and research activity in the field of Classics and the cultures of Eastern Mediterranean. Its contribution to cultural exchange and the study of cutting edge issues, both ancient and contemporary, has been widely appreciated.

(Athens, 2018-10-31)