Keep Women Safe on WorldPackers
KEEP WOMEN SAFE!!Madalyn Denniston (2024-09-26)
Don’t let predators host 19yr old girls who like to travel. Help get this man and his profile taken down to protect future girls and woman.Neva Parsons (2024-09-26)
I support my friends and no one deserves to go through these experiences, there needs to be a change.Tai Toctocan (2024-09-26)
No woman should have to go through this experience. Do something now before something worse happens.madeleine parmele (2024-09-26)
fuck men. and screw their whole ideology of being entitled.gagging over and over at the idea of ENTITLEMENT
devi kraushaar (2024-09-26)
This should not be tolerated in the least.jessica zingrone (2024-09-26)
I’m so sorry this happened to you guys, and it is so unfair that you had to go through this. Companies need to hold themselves and the people they are affiliated with accountable to make sure this never happens to another woman again.Sophie Craig (2024-09-26)
Woman should feel safeAnna Pharoah (2024-09-26)
I care for my friend Madalyn and trust in her intuition about most people! And I need her safeSatchel Payne (2024-09-26)
Shame on World Packers for condoning such behaviour and thinking monetary compensation is going to fix mental physical and emotional abuse from this man/host.katrina almeida (2024-09-26)
No one should feel uncomfortable trying to do what they love. These allegations are disgusting and disturbing, and Worldpackers needs to address the issue, open and investigation, and fire this man immediately.Ava S (2024-09-26)
I believe women should feel safe in every environmentAlissa Sugano (2024-09-26)
Sailing should be a safe and fun experience. And men are shit.Marita Mesel (2024-09-26)
Im signing because I stand with women and for women. I want my friends to be able to travel safely and this is clearly not the experience they got. Had I not known about these issues, I too could easily be the next victim. Thanks for sharing your story, I hope world packers makes the right decision to remove this “host” from their site.Madeline Wood (2024-09-26)
I’m signing because this is disgusting and should have never happen and I hope no women on the future have to go through this experience.Nicole Sellesin (2024-09-26)
I was on the boat with the creators of this petition. I was there, experiencing and witnessing all these events, I was the one who had to steer the boat alone at night. What could have been a beautiful experience turned out to be genuinely traumatic, and I'm going to help to try and make a change.Ella Harris (2024-09-26)
no woman should have to experience that on what should be a once in a lifetime opportunitymegan topps (2024-09-26)
It sucks that people like that exist. Women and other travelers should feel safe and enjoy their experience.Alana Harris (2024-09-26)
As a parent of one of the girls who received daily reports from the boat, I'm very concerned that Worldpackers is responding inadequately to this case.There are multiple safeguarding concerns here including being drunk in charge of a vessel.
K Harris (2024-09-26)
Woman shouldn’t be made to feel unsafePhoebe m wallace (2024-09-26)
Women should never go through an experience this horrendous. Worldpackers must do better!Kareen Lalicon (2024-09-26)
I’m signing because this is absolutely terrifying and atrocious. As women we deserve to feel safe, and predatory patterns like this one only perpetuate broader social issues if we stay silent. Proud of you ladies for doing the right thing. Raise a little hell.Holly Wood (2024-09-26)
No woman should be put through this kind of thing on world packers. I’m so sorry to hear about this and am glad you all had each other when everything went down but none of those actions are excusable or okay. This ad should be taken down, the man kicked off the platform. It’s a quite simple solution and I hope some sort of justice will come from this and you’ll all be able to heal from this experience.Jones Howard (2024-09-26)
Women need to be protected and be respected!Jordyn Irvine (2024-09-26)
I’m trying to see travel become safe and fun for all.Johnny Giraldo (2024-09-26)
I am signing because world packers has a responsibility to keep people safe from predators.Madeleine Standagevm (2024-09-26)
I love my friend NevaHolly Sittmann (2024-09-26)
As a women, I would like to keep traveling safe for me and do not want ANY one to have to experience this.Breanna Bouldin (2024-09-26)
It’s important for meLeonie Schubert (2024-09-26)
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and it is appalling that these lovely women went for a positive experience and took away trauma instead. This man should not be in charge of anyone, let alone female volunteersMiranda MacCormack (2024-09-27)
I’m signing to protect the safety of young people seeking a safe experience. Predators and bad actors needs to be banned from your app.Li Chang (2024-09-27)
Advocating for womenLarissa Twigg (2024-09-27)
This man is a sexual predatorElisha DeLuca-Sheldrake (2024-09-27)
This predator should not be allowed to have his advert on the website or work with woman at all.Linnea Erlingsson (2024-09-27)
I’m signing this because of the level of inappropriateness my daughter experienced. Nobody should be subjected to sexual harassment, especially at this disgusting level. She and the other four girls left the ship because of the captains comments and actions. And to think that when they confronted him about his inappropriateness, he then threatened them with legal action. The man should be in jail! Three of the young ladies even jumped off the boat while they were going through the canal to escape this guy.Dirk Denniston (2024-09-27)
I support Madalyn and Neva and all women in their desire to have fun and educational adventures without fear of sexual predators. World Packers need to assure women's safety!Don Parsons (2024-09-28)