Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media Group
I support a thorough investigation of these suspicious activities.Allison Lee (New York, 2024-09-20)
I support a thorough investigation of these suspected money laundering activities.Claudia Davis (New York, 2024-09-20)
Epoch Times is suspected of fraud and money laundering, and it should be taken seriously by the relevant authoritiesKylie Delor (Lake Ryderport, 2024-09-21)
支持调查!!!DDR 4 (墨尔本, 2024-09-21)
Support the investigation, justice will prevail.mike run (newyork, 2024-09-21)
I hope a thorough investigation can be carried outHuanian Shuimu (Washington, 2024-09-21)
I hope a thorough investigation can be carried outyiyi lin (California, 2024-09-21)
Call for investigationHeather Ali (Hongkong, 2024-09-23)
支持公开调查,还NTDTV清白!Frank Darance (华盛顿, 2024-09-23)
Support public inquiry!Bermuda Everald (Los Angeles, 2024-09-23)
In interviews, some former dancers recounted performing through dislocated kneecaps, sprained ankles or other serious injuries, unwilling to seek medical treatment because the group’s belief system regarded such care as a crutch of the unfaithful.tomoki izumi (Sacramento, 2024-09-23)
Many of the dancers and musicians who spoke to The Times hesitated to share their stories publicly, fearing retaliation by Falun Gong and its spiritual leader. That leader, Li Hongzhi, introduced the movement in China in 1992, at a time when ancient energy-based exercises were surging in popularity. He has led it in exile while presiding over the guarded 400-acre compound in upstate New York where many of Shen Yun’s performers live and train.Hirose Kohmi (Sacramento, 2024-09-23)
必须调查法轮功邪教组织。权 刘 (香港, 2024-09-23)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupToby Jackson (NY, 2024-09-23)
正義必將到來,期待更多邪教黑暗真相被揭露,讓更多人認清李洪志醜惡嘴臉及其「法輪功」邪教組織的邪惡本性!被蠱惑的學員能夠早日脫離邪教隊伍!佳敏 周 (san francisco, 2024-09-24)
極右翼陰謀論媒體“大紀元”專門成立了一家名為“行刑隊”的公司(The Firing Squad LLC),名義上是為了拍攝這部電影,但是這個公司的CEO在就是前不久被美國執法部門因為“洗錢”罪名拘捕的關偉東(Bill Guan)。不知道“大紀元”投資拍攝這樣一部電影,是不是為了洗錢呢?闳慈 薛 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
Support the media in continuing to expose the unknown harm to people caused by Falun Gong.Elaine Charlene (San Diego, 2024-09-24)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为lebro akq (qa, 2024-09-24)
真相需要被揭開,世界需要知道真相,因被法輪功“真善忍”教義吸引而信仰法輪功的普通學員更需要知道真相。志明 江 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media Groupkeqp maw (va, 2024-09-24)
支持美國嚴查,必須嚴厲打擊法輪功集團所涉嫌的犯罪可可 彭 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
Chief Financial Officer Of The Epochtimes Charged With Participating In Scheme To Launder At Least $67 Million In Fraud Proceeds.Merry Chang (San Diego, 2024-09-24)
I hope more people will pay attention to the illegal activities of Epoch Times Media Group and thoroughly investigate their illegal activities.Sutton Jones (Washington D.C., 2024-09-24)
法輪功”受害者飽受家破人亡、妻離子散之苦,但遠在美國瘋狂撈金、紙醉金迷的“李大師”根本不會在乎。在血債累累的“李大師”眼中,人命如草芥般低賤,又怎比得上自己囊中的那些财物呢?婉婉 朱 (san francisco, 2024-09-24)
大纪元欺诈美国纾困基金6000余万并进行洗钱,洗白的钱最终流向法轮功组织的腰包,由此可见,很难撇清“大纪元工作室”制作烂片,是其洗钱计划的一部分。莉恩 徐 (san fancisco, 2024-09-24)
支持正义zfz1 zfz1 (墨尔本, 2024-09-24)
“行邢隊”上映了十天,全美票房只有166萬美元,而據說“大紀元”為此投資了300多萬美元,真是一個絕妙的洗錢方法。慧雯 林 (sanfrancisco, 2024-09-24)
一切为了 正 义 !zfs10 zz (Sydney, 2024-09-24)
Full support and severe punishment of these criminals.Erna Levandofsky (HK, 2024-09-24)
I have heard about this for a long time, and now someone has finally come forward to expose them. I am really happy and supportive!Lin Hua (HK, 2024-09-24)
Fighting crime is our duty!Li WenYuan (hk, 2024-09-24)
These bastards are so disgusting.Xue Gui (HK.T, 2024-09-24)
我认为必须对大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为展开调查LEI LE (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
Fighting crime is the duty of every citizen.Liang Zi (HK, 2024-09-24)
希望看到真相FEI ZHAO (巴黎, 2024-09-24)
I hate this kind of company the most.Quan Yi (hk, 2024-09-24)
It's time for these shameful worms to go to court.Liu Xing (hk.a, 2024-09-24)
Falungong is not insignificant, and we hope to thoroughly investigate their fraudulent and money laundering behaviorcong lili (canada, 2024-09-24)
新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团就是诈骗组织琪 琪 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
Fighting crime is everyone's duty.Wang Yu (hk, 2024-09-24)
大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱强 张 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
人们需要知道真相。yilang xiaoquan (京都, 2024-09-24)
他就是个犯罪团伙欢 王 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为li zhang (Montgomery, 2024-09-24)
We urge all citizens concerned with public safety and social justice to sign this petition in support of a thorough investigation into these suspicious activities.Li SHuang (HK.ST, 2024-09-24)
为了正义一 一 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
赞成调查!严重破坏华人形象文彬 秦 (日本, 2024-09-24)
Support public inquiryMasterson Sal (洛杉矶, 2024-09-24)
新唐人和大纪元参与洗钱,法律必须制裁lei li (news, 2024-09-24)
新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团就是犯罪集团三 刘 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
Request an investigation into these borers.Wen Yu (hk, 2024-09-24)
为了正义青 青 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
Support public inquiryBatakzz Payton (Ontario, California, 2024-09-24)
新唐人和大纪元违反法律参与洗钱,伤害信徒keke li (news, 2024-09-24)
It's time to clean up these corrupt companies.He Jun (hk, 2024-09-24)
Please, we must not let these criminals end well.Xu Qing (HK, 2024-09-24)
为了正义一 王 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
We must support Falun Gong, it is a true cultxinghuo zhang (Washington, 2024-09-24)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为bai zhao (New York, 2024-09-24)