Stop LaSalle from fining residents for feeding feral cats in the TNR program



I believe this is the right thing to do!

Peggy Hickson (Lasalle, 2023-06-09)


I care!!

Mary Lou Bechard Labonte (Windsor, 2023-06-09)


They need to be fed

Bryan Goodman (Windsor, 2023-06-09)


I am signing because these animals need to be cared for water shelter just as humans do, they didn't ask to be left out in the wild

Sharon Sorrell (Windsor, 2023-06-09)


This is the right thing to continue doing.
We are taking care of these innocent animals that others failed to 'spay or neuter'.
LaSalle why would you fight this!?

Kristen Garrick (LaSalle, 2023-06-09)


It would be inhumane to not feed them.

Beth Duri (Lasalle, 2023-06-09)


I'm signing because I believe in it and there is no one more caring for these animals than Marjie and her cruel.

Al Guthrie (Amherstburg, 2023-06-09)


Change is in order

Danielle Reaume (LaSalle, 2023-06-09)


This is important to me!

Nicolle Maglic (Tecumseh, 2023-06-09)


I am signing this petition because i feel the town of lasalle was very wrong in charging these two people for being caring, loving human beings. These cats are harming no one. If anything they are keeping the mouse and rodent population down. All these people were doing was giving a warm shelter in the winter…water and food ..what any caring human being would do. I would do the same because it’s the human thing to do.

Patty Enlow (Essex, 2023-06-09)


It’s the right thing to do!

Andrea Orr (Windsor, 2023-06-09)


It’s ridiculous that the town pays for the feral cats to be “fixed” but then the caregivers are then fined.

Ross Anderson (LaSalle, 2023-06-10)


How ridiculous! Do you want these animals to starve to death? Would that be better for you. SMH

Amy Britton (Windsor, 2023-06-10)


I was shocked to read that the Town of LaSalle, the town I have lived in my entire life, has issued fines against citizens and passed a by-law that states residents are breaking the law if they provide food for feral cats! I was appalled that such a by-law was put into place! This is outrageous!

Victoria Butcher (LaSalle, 2023-06-10)


I am against a bylaw that prevents people from humanely feeding cats who have been responsibly TNR’d.

Cindy Diubaldo (Lasalle, 2023-06-10)


The cats are neutered or spayed so they won’t be multiplying by feeding them. Do I have to explain how ridiculous the fine is?

Maureen Johnson (Windsor, 2023-06-10)


I spoke with someone on the phone that works for the town of LaSalle, and she was taking messages and taking charge while her boss/superior was away. I take part in the TNR program and have fixed dozens of cats. I also care for them. I called to inquire about the bylaw last year, because I wanted to make sure I wasnt doing something that would get me fined or in any sort of trouble. We went over the bylaw and I told her about the feral cats in my area and her exact words were “nope, you’re good because you are feeding them and taking part in the program” (TNR program)
It seems that even the staff who work for the town of LaSalle interpet the bylaw as we do, and just like any half-intelligent person would after reading it.
These people should not be fined. It’s ridiculous. These cats will tear apart garbages and decimate populations of birds and chipmunks and all sorts of small critters in order to survive if humans don’t care for them.
You think these two cats are bad? Wait til you see how bad it gets when we stop feeding and fixing them.
These people are doing the community a favour by caring for these cats. How can anyone see it the other way? There are people in this world who don’t have access to food and water and can’t support their families and are starving, people dying of cancer and other awful diseases, etc etc… and other people are whining and complaining about two older cats on their lawn.

Tim Berthiaume (Lasalle, 2023-06-10)


Why am I signing, in my opinion this by-law it violates The Canadian bill of Rights 1(a.) Also because the town has an agreement in place that allows the cats to be fed. The neighbor that complained clearly doesn't know anything about animals or she would have known the skunks and raccoons dig for grub lava that time of year. The by-law officer needs a lesson on that same issues. She could also use a lesson on bulling. that's why I'm signing.

Richard Andersonn (Windsor, 2023-06-10)


Tom & Peggy are responsible caregivers of the cats they were fined for feeding.
Research shows that feeding and properly caring for spayed/neutered feral cats is the most effective (and most humane) way of managing feral cats in cities and communities.
Not feeding and caring for these cats would be inhumane and it would do nothing to help address the issue.

Jaime Egoff (Windsor, 2023-06-10)


There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeding the needy. Animal or human.

Cindy Curtis (Cottam, 2023-06-10)


I care for the well being of animals

Karleene Kereliuk (Windsor, 2023-06-10)


This is wrong, and these people, or anyone for that matter, should not be ticketed or fined for feeding stray cats.

Erika Vigneux (LaSalle, 2023-06-10)


Cats need to be protected.

Brian Anthony (Windsor, 2023-06-10)


You can’t rescue cats (TNR) then leave them to their own devices.

Sharon Ciebin (LaSalle, 2023-06-10)


I don't believe in the bylaw.

Ken Passa (Lasalle, 2023-06-10)


You should be able to fed feral cats

Jennifer Muranyi (Lasalle, 2023-06-10)


All animals should be shown compassion and be treated with kindness. FINING people for feeding feral cats is BEYOND cruel and barbaric. The town of Lasalle must DO BETTER!

Linda Leyten (Ingersoll, 2023-06-10)


I think the bi-law is sickening cats are like family and need to be cared for have a heart cats are God's precious creatures they deserve are help and understanding

Billy-Jo Trupp (Belleriver, 2023-06-10)


It’s the right thing. The public is in the right.

Jackson Balint (Windsor, 2023-06-10)


Once cats are feral, the logical and best care for them is TNR and feeding them so they can live their life as safely as possible and not create more feral cats. Not feeding them is cruel, and leads to unwanted killing of birds, if they can.

Sandra Marwood Pattman (Windsor, 2023-06-10)


Lasalle needs to drop the fine and recognize that caring for cats that are TNRd is not a crime!

Debbie Hodgins (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


Holy Shit LaSalle, what do you want... the cats to pay rent somewhere?
The TWO cats are fixed, and cared for and will not affect the cat 'population' ... AND... you ALREADY had an exception in place. SMH

Scott Haynes (Ingersoll, 2023-06-11)


I'm signing because the bylaw is nonsense, especially in this such circumstance. This town needs to get its priorities in order, starting at the very top.

Cassandra Lewis (LaSalle, ON, 2023-06-11)


I think this is absolutely ridiculous. You are going to fine this couple, because they are doing what their owners should be doing. The shelter does TNR, and the fourth step would be to provide them with shelter, food and water.

Cindy Palmeri (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


I care about the homeless cats. We need to step up and care for them. That includes feeding and neutering. Please let us continue to care for them without penalty!

Marie Bellmore (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


The abuse of bylaw and city officials needs to stop and a responsible humane solution needs to followed.

Candace Sevelka Petre (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


We care for 2 Community cats and have been fined by the Town and their ignorant By-Law officer. Adjudicated by two bought and paid for lawyers that had zero impartiality. Governed by a mayor more ignorant than our garbage man ( sorry too insulting to our garbage man).

Tom Hickson (Lasalle, 2023-06-11)


I love animals and I would most definitely not let a animal to starve I have 3 cats and 6 birds that are all rescues.

Miles Melnick (LaSalle, 2023-06-11)


I stand with the cats!! They deserve a place to call home and to be fed

Samantha St. Louis (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


These are lives that deserve living. And if people can help them by any means they should be allowed.

Kerri Hayward (Rd, 2023-06-11)


I’m signing this petition because removing food from these neutered, vaccinated, cared for animals and letting them starve is horrific.

Jennifer Rodgers (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


They are animals that need to survive as well as any other animal ,plus if it weren't for people that feed these strays alot of the people that do feed them ,they also catch them fix them and if they are hurt then they also catch them and take them in for what ever treatment they need at the time and then release them again and with out the people that do all this our population of cats would be that much worse so coodows to you so I don't see any problem with them feeding the cats to help them survive .

Marcie Porter (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


Cats are NOT wild animals. They are homeless due to irresponsible people. They feel hunger, pain, cold, fear etc like every other domestic animal. I care for community cats and they have all bonded with me as much as my inside cats have. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, the greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the way it's animals are treated.

Darlene Bondy (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


I am outraged about our town's bylaw that forces people to let innocent cats in our community to starve. TNR program is suppose to be a compassionate way to take care of innocent animals, who came to be feral at no fault of their own. Cruel and irresponsible humans are to blame. So, the least we can do is to help the cats in a responsible way (TNR) and provide food. The state of humanity in a community is measured by how innocent animals are treated, and it is a sad thing to say, but our town council and some members of our community do not have enough HUNAMITY in them! WE CAN DO BETTER! WE MUST DO BETTER!

Natalya Babushkina (LaSalle, 2023-06-11)


This is a ridiculous bylaw. People should not get tickets for feeding the cats. Thank goodness there are people who take care of the stray cats.

Michelle Matassa (Lasalle, 2023-06-11)


We can work together to find a solution to protect the CATS and HUMANS!

Dona Sue Byron (LaSalle, 2023-06-11)


Anyone who has lived in LaSalle knows we've always been a dumping ground for unwanted animals. The citizens of LaSalle have always done the humane thing by trapping vaccinating a and chipping. I don't know when this law was passed but it's absolutely insane. What kind of monster passed this without our knowledge?

Paris Gibb (LaSalle, 2023-06-11)


The fine was absolutely wrong!

Marjie Gignac (Windsor, 2023-06-11)



Christine Coleman (Lasalle, 2023-06-11)


Ferral cats are cats that have been lost or let down by humans. Trapping them, getting them fixed and providing food and shelter should be regarded as being kind and humane...not fined :(

Sharon Heine (Lasalle, 2023-06-11)


They didn't ask to be homeless somebody took a cat and then dumped it after a while cruel and inhuman

Michele Fick (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


I care about the well being of feral cats

Ian Caisse (Montreal, 2023-06-11)


It’s inhumane not to help feral cats - we must TNR them but also feed them also

Rob Jeffrey (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


Feeding an animal or a human is an act of compassion. What have we become? Allow people to feed current or prior domesticated animals.

Joanne Husak (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


We need to get it together, stop digging your heels in when the community wants to support the feral cat program that the town (on paper) endorses. Make this right!!!

Robert Balint (Lasalle, 2023-06-11)


Majority of the people that are feeding and taking care of the feral cats do it responsibly. These cats are already part of a TNR program and to issue “no feeding” bi laws is in its own way animal cruelty. These cats cause no issues to the town of Lasalle or their residents. This needs to be stopped.

Tracy Toews (Amherstburg, 2023-06-11)


I am signing this cause all animals deserve to be loved and feed

Rosie Little (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


I’m signing because I believe in responsibly feeding cats in my community affiliated with this program.

Fiona Klein (Lasalle, 2023-06-11)


We need to help these poor kitties. Thank god for all the rescues❤️

Colleen Henri (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


Community cats need care...

Mark Robins (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


I also have my own colony of cats that I feed and love. It's a shame that any cat has to live outside but, if they do, then they should have the best life possible.

Caron Renaud (Windsor, 2023-06-11)


TNR cats deserve to be protected and fed responsibly by caregivers.

Shannon Wood (LaSalle, 2023-06-11)


It’s the right thing to do

Becky Radu (Lasalle, 2023-06-11)


This is awful to starve cats that have been tnr’d.

Becky Wigle (Amheratburg, 2023-06-11)


Shame on LaSalle for saying they support the Humane Society & then fining the residents for acts of kindness. Perhaps the town should focus on serious crimes that occur instead.

Linda Omstead (Leamington, 2023-06-12)


I belive that we should be able to feed them I don’t belive they r a wild animal I have taken a few in myself in my life and they all turned out to be very nice cats .. plus when there is a tnr program and hs puts them back out it’s in humane not to feed and give water so I belive she is doing the right thing

Sandra Taylor (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


We are Windsor's TNR people and we feed our homeless kitties also. We are trying to fighting windsor's by-law also. Keep up the great work and thank you for helping our fur friends.

MacDonell Barb (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


Fining anyone for feeding animals is totally wrong

Gayle Beaudoin (Amherstburg, 2023-06-12)


No one should be fined for being decent human beings. All lives are important, and worthy of care, including animals. To punish people for having enough of a heart, to ensure their safety and continued health, is asinine. Do better!

Melissa Elliott (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


Ylthis is ridiculous!

Donna Vazzoler (N9J1H1, 2023-06-12)


Many feral cats cannot hunt effectively and rely on the kindness of people feeding them

Amanda Budinsky (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


I live in Windsor. What a stupid law. They'll start eating more birds, become more destructive. TNR won't happen so often. I don't have the time to explain the vast negativities.

Synni Pepin (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


They are harmless. They’re spayed and neutered and vaccinated.

Alison Selkirk (Essex, 2023-06-12)


You can't have a TNR program and also a ban on feeding them. Let people feed the colonies.
Also, Feeding these cats causes less damage to our ecosystem. If they are full on cat food they leave the birds and other wildlife alone.

Meaghan Phillips (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

Deborah Lesperance (Amherstburg, 2023-06-12)


Lasalle needs to stop this nonsense & rescind the fine that was issued. You look like a bunch of hypocrites and have spoiled your towns reputation because of your backward thinking on this sensitive issue. If you say you support the Humane Society spay and neuter program then you need to support it on all levels. Step out of the dark ages Lasalle.

Tammy Alexander (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


These cats need to be taken care of. They are voiceless, and need help.

Tracy Dolan (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


I’m signing this because I because I find the whole program of finding people who feed cats inhumane. What would they prefer starving ones.

Jean Bosson (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


If the cats are fixed and chipped and part of a TNR program, they should be able to be properly cared for by responsible residents. Not allowing it is cruel and inhumane.

Heather Knight (Essex, 2023-06-12)


This is a no brainer. Why the meddling?
They’re well taken care of and have been identified by the WECHS as part of an existing TNR colony.

Mary Morneau (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


i believe all animals have a right to be fed

Brenda Tofflemire (Kingsville, 2023-06-12)


There should be some justice for these little guys and girls and because they are also windsor 's homeless, just voiceless.

Jodi Cvar (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


How absolutely ridiculous.
Who's decision was this?...Shame on you LaSalle - The whole world is watching - :(

Clementine Matassa-Lambier (Cottam, 2023-06-12)


I'm signing because when people in the community step up to take care of the cats that others have so thoughtlessly thrown away or couldn't be bothered to spay or neuter their cats. They should be Thanked not punished!!

Allison Maxwell (LaSalle, 2023-06-12)


I'm signing because there are FAR worse things in this world we should be working on or fighting for & feeding 2 community cats isn't one of them. Is feeding them harming anyone?

Shannon Myers (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


I’m signing this because I feel it inhumane to deny them food, if they are homeless.

Kathy Charlton (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


I like cats

Crow Balint (Montreal, 2023-06-12)


Feral cats should not be left to starve. It is up to the municipality to act in a fair and responsible manner rather trying to enforce starvation as a means of control.

Doug Charles (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


I support the TNR program

Beverley Van Sickle (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


It’s the right thing to do!

Mary Oriet (LaSalle, 2023-06-12)


I'm signing because fining people for taking care of ferals is wrong. These cats were left behind by irresponsible people. Feeding them. trapping them and fixing them is humane.

Barbara Lowenthal (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


Cats deserve to be feed and have water

Ted Irwin (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


Cats are innocent animals trying to survive too!!! They are important to our eco system. They are creatures of God as are we.

Carol Shields (LaSalle, On., 2023-06-12)


feral cats are not on the streets because of their own choices.. they need to be cared for

Barb Bertrand (Lasalle, 2023-06-12)


I don't it is humane not to feed them. The better thing to do is try a program to catch them and fix them. This will slow down the breeding.

MELODIE ZINYK (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


Screw this bylaw

Kimberly Crow (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


I don't think that the by law is humane.

Carolyn Colley (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


There is no logical reason for TNR cats to not be fed. It is an inhumane by-law.

Shannon Veroszlinden (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


The town council is in the wrong and because signing is the right and humane thing to do.

Sandra Ives (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


This is the most ridiculous by-law ever. We can’t feed hungry cats and put out bird feeders unless we clean up any fallen bird seed ? Who thinks up these things? If there is a legitimate reason for not doing these things how about explaining why and maybe just encourage people not to feed wild animals instead of ridiculous fines. The raccoons in LaSalle make a bigger mess than any cat has done.

Janine Andry (LaSalle, 2023-06-12)


There is nothing wrong with feeding feral cats as long as they are fixed or you fix them. It's inhumane what the Town is trying to do!

Michele Arquette (Windsor, 2023-06-12)


You fined people for being compassionate towards animals?? These cats are doing no harm. Actually they help control the rodent population. I am against this!!

Diana Danyluk (Windsor, 2023-06-13)


LaSalle Council needs to review the intent of this bylaw and change how it is being administered. It makes no sense to say, spay and neuter, but don't feed.

Connie Gosselin (LaSalle, 2023-06-13)


If cats are being responsibly cared for as part of the TNR program the city should abide by their bylaw.

Jennifer St Denis (Lasalle, 2023-06-13)


We are fining people for the wrong issues. There are plenty of activities in this town that are problematic and worthy of addressing; this is not one of them. These cats are identified as Community Cats in the TNR program. The Humane Society has done the responsible thing. It is now time for the town of LaSalle to do theirs. Rescind the fine, concentrate on truly problematic issues and get back to the important business of the town.

Nancy Shiner (Windsor, 2023-06-13)


I am originally from LaSalle. My mom still lives there in the home we all grew up in. I don't understand what is wrong with feeding these poor cats. Would they rather them tear apart people's garbage looking for food. Also most of these cats stay close to where they are being fed, not bothering anyone. The town should be more involved in still providing vouchers for the residents, to be able to fix any feral cats that aren't already. That is the humane way to prevent new kittens from coming into this world. Not to stop feeding, these poor cats that didn't ask to be here. Should people not feed the birds or any other living animal.

Connie Smith (Windsor, 2023-06-13)


Caring for animals should not be crime. The town of Lasalle should be celebrating these two residents NOT Fining them. Do the right thing Town of LaSalle!

Nicole Bacha (Harrow, 2023-06-13)


They are of God

Jacky Taylor (Windsor, 2023-06-13)


I don't believe that feral cays should be left hungry.

Nicole Norris (Windsor, 2023-06-13)


I also feed stray/community cats. Come fine me.

Kimberley Carr (Windsor, 2023-06-13)


I really thought society had evolved. I was so happy when towns and cities started handing out spay neuter vouchers. I see what I suspect is just a few people have a dislike for cats. It would be very cruel to stop feeding TNR kitties. They would be ao confused and have trouble surviving having lost their hunting skills. This is such a backward decision.

Baird Laura (Windsor, 2023-06-13)


Cats are great, f the police.

Richard Veroszlinden (Windsor, 2023-06-13)


TNR community cats is a good thing.

Paul Doré (Windsor, 2023-06-13)

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