No mask mandate for Indian Hill Schools
My kids are vaccinated.Bill Stacey (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Three of the elected board members did not do their elected responsibility and hearing my voice and the other voices of the constituents.The choice as a board does not reflect the Community have a rhythm or the desires of our teachers and staff.
They ignored one of the most important health reasons, our children's mental health.
Macy Hansen (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
This mandate is terrible for our children.Elizabeth Callan (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Indian Hill Exempted School District should be a leader, a benchmark, OF SCIENCE, so why would you make it a requirement of students and teachers to wear a mask? If families are concerned, they mask their children, go virtual or go somewhere else.Pam Hoynes (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I DO NOT support the mask mandate and want our kids to go to school with no masks this fall.Liz Chasar (Cincinanti, 2021-08-04)
Firmly against mask mandates in our schoolsLeigh McIntire (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I strongly believe masks should not be worn - it should be the parents /families choiceMaure Emminger (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I feel strongly about No masks at school!Melanie Vollmer (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
My older kids are vaccinated. No masks please!Allison Picton (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
My children are vaccinated and no reason they should need to wear a mask.Michele Guttman (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Masks should be up to individual parents!Nicole Isgrig (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Forced mandates were somewhat understandable pre-vaccine and pre-treatment protocols. At this point mandating masks again is draconian. Make this optional - parents that are worried can still use them! This is an illness that is clearly not going away anytime soon.Andy Recker (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Parents should decide if their children need to wear a mask to school, not bureaucrats. This can easily be facilitated through pick up patrol appKate Willis (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I don’t want my children to wear masksKate Rost (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I strongly believe masks should be optional and a decision made by individually families. Do not force these kids to wear masks!!Jessica Folke (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Masks are detrimental to my child’s mental, emotional and physical health. They interfere with their education and social development. There is no criteria in Hamilton county that shows we need this and you’ve randomly changed your policy on how we make these decisions. Who does it harm to make them OPTIONAL?!Tara Metzger (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I am disappointed this was not openly discussed. I am strongly opposed to any sort of mandates on masks in IH Schools.Nick Recker (Indian Hill, OH, 2021-08-04)
I should be able to assess the data and make a decision for my children how I see fit. I don’t believe a school board has the right to tell me what’s best for my children. I am an intelligent adult who can assess data and make calculated risk.Courtney Berling (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
The mask mandate is absurd. The science and risks do not support our kids wearing muzzles all day, especially since the only people truly at risk are adults that are choosing not to get vaccinated.Brian Copfer (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
No child should be forced to wear a mask. Ever.John Pratt (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Masks should be up to the individual and not forcedChristine Strickland (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
This is ridiculous. I make decisions for my child. The mask is a horrible disgusting political agenda. The CDC is also nothing but a political machine. Parents absolutely should make the decision for there own child. It should be a choice for each individual family.Cathy Kurlemann (Loveland, 2021-08-04)
Mask should be optional. "We the people, by the people".Stephanie Hatfield (Loveland, 2021-08-04)
I do not believe this mandate is in the best interest of the child or their mental health, and should be a personal decision.Kate Hazen (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Our children's mental and emotional health should take precedence in these decisions. Board members are not medically qualified to make medical mandates. There's no state or federal mask mandates in place. Families should have freedom of choice in this matter.J. Adam Metzger (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Masks should be optional. The harms emotionally and socially outweigh the risks.Jackie Sheridan (Indian Hill, 2021-08-04)
IH School Board needs to stop playing politics now. Mask optional is the only path forward.David Fox (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
We are better than this. Do the right thing. You should be ashamed of your performance. You know the majority want choice and freedom. Be brave. Be intelligent.James Riggs (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
We demand a choice and decisions based on a non FDA approved vaccine and a “recommendation” from the most corrupt and discredited government agency, the CDC, is at its best negligent, and at is worst criminal.Jeffrey Heinichen (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I don't believe this decision was made to protect the children. Although this variant may be a credible threat, each family must have the right to do their research and weigh the pros and cons of wearing a mask. All this petition is asking is that the decision be put in the hands of the parents who are the experts in the needs of their children and not a broad based generalization. It is all about the freedom to choose.Chris Wachtel (Cincinnati, OH, 2021-08-04)
My daughter is a freshman at IHHSRich Schlaack (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Andy Recker For School BoardAubrey Jones (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I highly suggest all parents on here send a notice of liability to the school board and superintendent. We sent one last night. I can provide one to you or you can obtain one from America's Frontline Doctors.Danielle Lyons (cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Masks are ineffective for children, children DO NOT need to be in masks for 8 hours per day, children need to have the best academic and social experience possible and the risks do not outweigh the benefits…. We should be focused on the “whole” child. And can we please start seeing the benefits of natural immunity. This is important!Melissa Holsinger (Indian Hill (Cincinnati), 2021-08-04)
Masks are more detrimental to kids, socially, physically, they’re known to be bad. Kids don’t get very ill from Covid. This is doing more harm with the treatment than the disease would cause.Mark Andolina (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
No masks for our children please! Their mental well being is being effected. They need to socialize and learn in a normal fashion.Tonya Hillenbrand (Indian Hill Village, 2021-08-04)
masking needs to be optional and a parental choice. “Until it is Safe” will never exist. The Board of Education is acting in a Communist and Marxist capacity. We must vote out Nikki Singh in the fall and flip the board seats.Kevin Frazier (Indian Hill, 2021-08-04)
The statistics in Ohio and Hamilton county demonstrate that Covid 19 poses and extremely minimal risk to those under 20. Accordingly it should be up to the parents to determine if their children should be masked in public.Tyson Grace (Indian Hill, 2021-08-04)
I agree with eliminating this mask nonsenseBrian Wright (Indian Hill, 2021-08-04)
I’m signing because I believe that students wearing a mask at school should be optional.Geneva Stein (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Enough with the mandates! A few Board members should not be making decisions for the students. Let the parents decide what is right for their children!Sue Ann Biondo (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
COVID-19 ruined so many of my high school memories (class of '20) and gotten in the way of pivotal learning for so many others, don't let it keep happening with this unnecessary mask mandate.Sarah Stephens (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Masks should be the choice of the familyErica Grace (Indian Hill, 2021-08-04)
A year ago, I would have agreed to masking, but it’s time to move on. To argue a year later that the science still justifies masking kids is just intellectually dishonest.My family is in this district for one reason only: the schools. Kirk is well aware that our test scores are suffering and we are jeopardizing our #1 Ohio school district. While other districts are not standing still, we are potentially compounding one bad school year onto another for limited safety benefit.
Let parents handle safety. The Board and Admin need to focus on education.
Kyle Lanphear (Bowling Green, 2021-08-04)
I’m signing because I don’t think it’s healthy for my grand children. Follow the science - not politics. The flu and bike riding are more harmful to kids.Phyllis Renie (Centerville, 2021-08-04)
I support the no mask policy at IH Schools.I believe it inhibits constructive learning and social skills.
J.Peter Hill (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I am signing this because I disagree with the mask mandate. The Indian Hill children have been socializing and playing sports indoors and out without masks for months now without a single incident that I know of.Dan Hillenbrnad (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I am a previous substitute school nurse at IH all buildings who now has 4 grandchildren there. This is so wrong for children's health! They are the ones who will suffer. Let the parents decide.Sherri O'Brien (Cincinnati,Ohio, 2021-08-04)
Masking should be a choice.Britt Nielsen (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Data shows and CDC states that children have an extremely low risk of negative effects from Covid. While they may transmit the virus, those who are at risk from contracting it have had the chance to be vaccinated. Those few who cannot be vaccinated and are still at risk have alternative options for schooling until they feel safe. Voting on such a divisive subject without consulting parents was the wrong path for the school board and adds to the feeling that this decision was based on personal feelings.Greg Berling (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I’m signing because people need to have freedom of choice. It’s that simple.Jebb Lyons (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I am adamantly opposed to the mask mandate. I am interested in protecting our children’s emotional well being while honoring personal choice to wear masks.Susan Graham (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I believe it's a parents right to choose what they think is best for their children.Maria Rosenbaum (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
The state's school guidelines for masking are 'recommendations' – not 'mandates'. Furthermore Children's Hospital and the CDC are giving 'recommendations'. The IH school district should follow suit and recommend masking if they choose, however I strongly believe whether to mask children should be left up to the individual family. Everyone has different risk factors and children have been effected by masks differently. LET EVERYONE CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES!Jen Hall (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Looks like we need a new BoardDonald Isgrig (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Put the teaching administration in an air tight bubble and let the children breatheGreg Gall (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I do not want my grandson to have to spend another year with a mask over his face. They are not able to really enjoy going to school and he was so excited to go.Brenda Van Fleet (Westchester, 2021-08-04)
I don’t want my child wearing a mask.Brad Rost (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I think the kids should be without masks for health concerns down the roadNo masks
John Hensley (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I am signing because I don’t believe my grandchildren should be required to wear masks during school. That is a personal decision for parents not a decision for a school board.Nancy Grace (Newport, 2021-08-04)
As a taxpayer in the Indian Hill School district and a parent of two former Indian hill grads I want my voice to be heard. Wearing masks should be a parent / student choice. There are many statistics that support this. And if anyone is interested I am willing to attend the next board meeting to bring these statistics to lightNancy Brockhoff (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Kids have been fully vaccinated. If you want to wear a mask feel free but shouldn’t be required.Mark Higgins (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
For the well being of our kids and staff. No masks should be required of those vaccinated.Elizabeth Isphording (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
A vaccinated child is still going to get the virus. It’s a question of when. Mental health is more important. If you choose not to vaccinate your child you have accepted the risk of severe illness. Our kids need normal life now more than ever. Please remove the mask requirement.Sarah Eckert (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
Mandating that all students wear masks at school is not in the best interest of our children.Monica Lindberg (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I don’t want to wear a maskMichelle Lindberg (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I don't support mandating masks, especially for kids K-12.John Kruse (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
I do not want my child to wear a mask every day to schoolMichelle Loring (Cincinnati, 2021-08-04)
It was clear Dr. Hooker wanted to bully this decision through from the outset. He should resign for his treatment of the public and his fellow board members. If he won't, we need to vote him out!Jason Kaster (Indian Hill, 2021-08-04)
Masks should be the parents choiceRobin Marr (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I am signing because my children have been socially affected by the masks. Fewer interactions with friends and more social isolation overall.Anne Paul (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Let us as parents decide what’s best for our own children. Recommend mask use, fine…Mandate them, that’s BS. Don’t cave to the squeaky wheels in the district!!Traci Zins (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I have friends thereCindy Carey (WHITE, 2021-08-05)
I believe mask should be optional if you are fully vaccinatedKelly Larsen (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Masks should be optional at Indian hill schoolsStefan Karaus (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Masks are against my religion.Adam Cristo (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I am passionate about this cause.Amy Fox (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I am sick to my stomach to be a Brave right now. This board is doing an atrocius job representing us and we deserve better. Our children do not deserve this shady, back room dealing when their health and futures are at stake. We deserve more as residents and I'm ashamed that this is the best representation for the school I grew up in and love.Ben Hall (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I’m signing this petition because I disagree with the Indian Hill school district mask mandate. If your child is vaccinated, it is not necessary for them to wear a mask!Amy Flemming (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)