Save Our Garden

Please help support our friend and community member to keep the local garden that they have so beautifully designed. Many children and visitors love to come and enjoy this landmark in Sentosa Cove. The garden is a treasure in our community and contributes to the beauty and wonder of living in Sentosa Cove. The General Management have requested many items to be removed for non "rule" compliance. We the residents say "Save our Garden".

As a result of maintaining a community space our friend and community member has had to self fund all the lighting and water supply, we hope that by seeing the enjoyment the community receives from the garden the management of the Cove will review this decision and vote to support the watering of the grass and flowers. 

In addition to signing the petition you may wish to write to your Condo Chairman committee member as well as the management of the Cove whom wish to have the garden removed. Please DM for details.

Please join us in support of our local community garden on August 17th at 5pm - 7pm for a community picnic - hope to see you there!

You may also post your social pictures using the hashtag #saveourgarden #sentosacovegarden.. Thank you very much for your local community support!our_garden.jpgScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_11.21_.32_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_11.21_.58_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_11.22_.05_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_11.22_.16_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_09.02_.11_.pnggarden1.jpgScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_09.00_.37_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_08.59_.20_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_09.01_.18_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_08.59_.04_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_09.00_.13_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_09.10_.51_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_09.01_.26_1.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_08.59_.54_.pngScreen_Shot_2019-08-03_at_08.59_.42_.png

Sentosa Cove Residents    Contact the author of the petition