Restart Ongoing Development of New Content for the DCCG "The Elder Scrolls: Legends"

Those signing this petition ask Bethesda Softworks LLC, Zenimax Media and Microsoft Corporation to restart ongoing development on the digital collectible card game "The Elder Scrolls: Legends".  We realize all necessary responsibilities and actions to see this done are controlled solely by those members of one or more of the entities mentioned above who can legally make financial and other resource decisions regarding "The Elder Scrolls: Legends".

The reason for this is simply that those signing here enjoy playing "The Elder Scrolls: Legends" so much and view it as one of the best (if not the best) DCCG available at this time.  Many of us have continued to dedicate our time and money to "The Elder Scrolls: Legends" even after it went into what is known as 'maintenance only' almost 2 years ago -- all further development of new content halted (to the best of public knowledge) -- because many of us still find this game extremely enjoyable.  And we also very much enjoy the community around this game that continues to thrive.

We ask the aforementioned entites to seriously consider our request as we feel restarting ongoing development could also be quite profitable for one or more of them, considering the ongoing interest in "The Elder Scrolls: Legends" despite lack of new content over the past 2 years.  Further, DCCG's in general remain popular and gather new players all the time, and there is no indication that their overall popularity is waning.

Thank you.

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