Rejection of the Traditional Health Practitioners Regulation 2024

We as the Traditional Healers based in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District in the Bokone Bophirima hereby bring forth our rejections of the Traditional Health Practitioners Regulations 2024. The regulations stipulated cause a lot of concern of irregularity as well as restrictions for us as Traditional Healers.

Some of the major concerns are the high registration fees of which are unaffordable to many unemployed Traditional Healers. We did not choose the gift; the gift chose us through our ancestors. Why should the Government want to make us pay for it? The demand for these nonsensical fees is viewed by us as bullying, oppressive, unfair, disrespectful as well as demeaning of our Cultural Practices. This is yet again increasing the difficulties of life for the black people as the apartheid Government did and WE SHALL NOT STAND FOR IT!


It is high time that Traditional Healers and their Practices be recognised as important part of Cultural Heritage and be adopted under the Department of Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation.  It should be acknowledged that:


1. Traditional Healing is a cultural practice and an integral part of indigenous cultures and traditions.
2. Traditional Healing Practices are valuable for their cultural significance.
3. The Department of Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation aim to preserve and promote Traditional Healing as part of cultural heritage.

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