The Canadian Firearms Safety Course Instructor Coordinator Kent Zarelli has wrongfully revoked my instructors license. He has based his decision on my 'FuckTrudorp" deal which is a violation of my Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and an area the CFSC has no jurisdiction.  He has also thinly stretched the use of the Instructors Agreement to exasperate the claims against me. 

Mr.Zarelli is singling me out as there are other instructors who do the same things he has revoked my license for.  The firearms community is being hit from all directions by the gov't.

We firearms advocates must stand together and fight against the degradation of our freedoms as Canadian Citizens. 

All of you have participated in a course with me. Please support the reinstatement of my license and tell Mr. Zarelli and Ms. Hamilton that I am

1)     Professional in the delivery of my courses

2)     Do not push a political agenda

3)     Test in a professional and private manner

4)     Teach the entirety of the course content

5)     Create a fun and safe learning environment

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