Radiocarbon-dating of the Bakhshali Manuscript - Earliest zero in history?

Context: Please sign and share this Petition widely to encourage the Bodleian Libraries to take concrete steps to have follow-up Radiocarbon-dating of the Bakhshali Manuscript conducted in the interest of scientific advancement in the field. 

The Zero Project [Zero Project] has been in contact with the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford, since the time prior to their announcement of the Radiocarbon-dating of the Bakhshali Manuscript (BM) conducted in 2017 [Bakhshali Manuscript]. As the results of the Radiocarbon-dating of the Bakshshali Manuscript at that time were inconclusive, many scholars across the world have encouraged the Bodleian to please consider conducting follow-up tests.

The issue of the Bakhshali Manuscript has also been raised by most of the 40 participants in the Zero Project’s Monograph on Zero book project and online International Conference/Workshop on Zero (10/’21 – 4/’22).  

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