Hisky flights Cluj-Tel Aviv

Dear HiSky Airlines Team,

We, a group of students, Israeli residents who live in Cluj Napoca and travelers from Israel, currently residing and studying in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, are reaching out with an urgent request. We are aware that HiSky operates flights to various destinations, and we would like to express our strong interest in reinstating the direct flight route between Cluj and Tel Aviv.

The recent cancellation of WizzAir’s direct flights has left us in a difficult situation, as there is currently no other airline providing this essential connection. The last available flight to Tel Aviv was a week or so after the conflict began, and without this direct option, many of us are facing significant challenges in terms of both cost and emotional distress.

We ask that HiSky kindly consider restoring this route, as it would serve not only students but also families, business professionals, and many others who rely on this vital connection. It would be a great relief and benefit to all of us to be able to travel directly between Cluj and Tel Aviv once again.

We appreciate your consideration of this matter and hope for a positive response.

The Students, Israeli residents who live in Cluj Napoca and Travelers from Israel in Cluj-Napoca

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