Help save Belgium's last forests!

Belgium is a country that is densily populated and very ' concreted' but in the south we still have some forests with great biodiversity : The Ardennes. These green lungs, are now threatened by developers who want to exploit natural areas there. How is this possible? Local legislation has made 'Tiny houses' and other light structures legal since this year. In the village of Herbeumont, where we are setting up a permaculture project, this law is currently being 'abused' by a powerful property developer who is pretending to be a benefactor with green intentions. He has bought a lot of agricultural and forest areas and wants to erect constructions that are anything but 'tiny'. In reality they are more like exclusive hotel units whose price tag is so high that a normal wallet would not be able to pay for a night's stay. The argument that these units are ecological is incorrect; for example, the project proposal states that there will be no composting toilets because they do not meet the luxury standard of the clientele.


This is very worrying because these areas are now teeming with wildlife and biodiversity. They are also places where 'ordinary' people could come to retreat or play in nature. If this developer gets this project through, they will only be for the happy few and roads, concrete, ... will be built and nature and animals will be driven away. We also think that this precedent opens the door for even more colonisation of nature areas by other project developers. That is why we ask you to sign this petition addressed to the municipal council of Herbeumont. It will take less than a minute but could mean a great deal for the future of our Belgian forests.

Thank you so much for your help.



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