Petition to Halt Outrageous Electricity Tariff Increases in Buffalo City


We, as residents of Buffalo City, oppose the unjust and exhorbitant increases in electricity tariffs and cost of supply electricity charges, effective 1st July 2024. The cost of supply charge is a new tariff that has been imposed on pre-paid meter users, at a cost of R465 per month (subsequently adjusted to R432,40 incl. VAT).  This is a base, fixed monthly cost to access pre-paid electricity, over and above the 15,3% increase in the cost of electricity (subsequently adjusted to 12%).   Postpaid account users (R763.60 incl. VAT basic charge) & small business users (R1190.25 incl. VAT basic charge) have also been given exponential increases in cost of supply and electricity tariffs.  We do not accept these irrational increases.    

These massive increases in electricity tariffs are completely unaffordable and will cause great hardship to the people of Buffalo City and will place further strain on already fragile household and business budgets.   

By signing this petition, we call on the Mayor of Buffalo City Metro to halt the implementation of these disproportionate increases.   We further call for the commencement of a public participation process, involving residents and and all affected stakeholders in the Metro.    

Your signature today will reinforce the call to halt these unjust electricity tariff increases and further support the call for the commencement of a public participation process. 

Make your voice heard.  Protect your rights.  Please sign this petition.

Michele Kay, ActionSA Buffalo City    Contact the author of the petition