Opposition to ITV
Quoted post
Inaayat Abdool Satar. email: mr.ias1@yahoo.com |
#146 ITV and Internet Reply to Dr. Adam2012-07-30 09:35السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتهُ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Before continuing, Listen to this bayaan of: Hadhrat Ml. Yunus Patel saheb's (May اللَّه fill his qabr with noor) advices , rendered on #Radio Islam# by »Ml. Suliman Ravat« on the *22nd of July 2009*: https://sites.google.com/a/radioislamlive.com/radio-islam/mbilal2012-01/20090722_mlypateltv.mp3?attredirects=0&d=1 ~{click on download attachment, then open attachment}~ Dr. So u do admit that ITV is haraam to a certain extent, right? You just told us in a comment that in the Adverts on itv there's music... 1 bit of music and that is enough for us to say that ITV isn't shariah compliant! Because u get the money to run the station mainly through advertising and advertising depends on audience ratings! So people are listening to music on the adverts, advertisers are paying higher rates for adverts as more people are watching ITV and the adverts, and the station is running on income from AIRING and promoting music now is this pleasing to اللَّه ?!! *Read comment »#86 on comment page #4« and see what I said, I said "on ITV, there are ADVERTS that promote music" not programming promoting music!! A woman's voice and body and face Must be concealed from strange men, tell me that on ITV, the women dress in proper Islamic dress (Full Hijaab [full covering] , Niqab [veil], Abaya [cloak]??) NO, in some adverts their sattar is revealed (such as their hair) and presenter's faces are revealed. It is WAJIB (Next to fardh) for women to cover their faces!! Even IF they do dress fully, their voice should be concealed from strange men. On itv its flaunted openly to thousands if not millions of strange men!!! Read the info in the following links on woman and what they should conceal as I have provided before too in this discussion as well as in the "support for itv" discussion. M. Asgahr: http://www.islam-watch.org/MAsghar/Muslim-Women-and-Veil.htm Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al kawthari(Darul Ifta of UK & Al-Qalam Shari’ah Scholars uk): http://www.shariahprogram.ca/islam-qa-women/female-voice-singing.shtml If all ulama aren't unanimous on tv, then they should be unanimous on: dis-believer's MUSIC, on the COVERING OF WOMEN, On the INTERMINGLING OF THE SEXES and On the making of pictures of animate objects!!! And if some say music is permissible to get income from, if women can mix with men without their body covered properly, if women can flaunt their voices and bodies to thousands if not millions of strange men and if men can show their pictures to thousands if not millions of strange women, if they say taking of pictures for other reasons but for identification is allowed and if they say talking to a woman face to face for a "competition" is OK....... Then unfortunately those Ulama must go back to madrassah and study Mishkaat ul Misbaah and Bukhari Shareef again, and they should re-do their tafseer of Qur'aan under their honourable asaatidha who have condemned all of the above. And Dr. Adam don't try to commend ITV and prohibit the internet! On The internet YOU can choose properly what you want to download, then listen to / watch it.. On TV the directors/presenters choose what you should watch/listen to.. The sin of airing music, airing photos of women, airing the intermingling of the sexes is on ITV not individual, and if a person downloads music off internet its HIS own sin, and the sin of the person that put it on, and on no Islamic website is there music or porn available for download. Wanaoodhoobillaah. On the internet on Islamic sites, internet is not being played in the adverts, women are not displayed with their sattar exposed, they don't run the websites through income from music-filled adverts, they don't have women flaunting their voices there!!!! And for the members of the group that are making indecent comments, Gheebah and exposing names please stop, this too is wrong!!! Imagine on a *TV* channel promoting hadith and Qur'aan, the presenters don't know the orders ofاللَّه properly as women presenters are flaunting their faces and voices there and the males are allowing it, the people in charge of advertising are allowing music to be put into the adverts And to top that up the ulama that are presenting on ITV are also saying nothing!!!! What a pitiable state this is!!! Maybe the staff of ITV and ulama appearing there all need to go to some institution like Darul Uloom Zakariyya or Darul Uloom Azaadville and learn the laws of اللَّه properly under Hadhrat Mufti Radha-Ul-Haqq Saheb or Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Saeed Motara Saheb then start again. Or maybe they should go to one of the Khanqahs like khanqah Sheikh Zakariyya(lenz ext.1) or Khaqah e Akhtari (1 Azaad street, azaadville) and ask to learn the laws of اللَّه from Hadhrat Ml Ebrahim Mia or Hadhrat Ml Abdul Hamid Saheb or maybe they should go to the marqas (Musjidun Noor, crown mines, behind Africa Cash n Carry {Telkom Complex}) and go out in the path of اللَّه for four months in Jama'ah and ask their Ameer to teach them the laws and limits of اللَّه. If they want the contact details of these institutions, they may contact me on the email address that's next to my name. May اللَّه guide us all to the straight path and help the muslims worldwide, those that are in: war, hunger, poverty, depression, sins, and save us all from calamaties and sins and accept all our good ibaadah and give us all the taufeeq to get knowledge of Haqq from Ulama e Haqq and give us the ability to do Da'wah the way the Prophets (peace and blessings of اللَّه be upon them all) did Da'wah towards the oneness of اللَّه . آمِيْن يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِينْ |
Guest |
#180 Re: ITV and Internet Reply to Dr. Adam2012-07-31 13:01:57#146: Inaayat Abdool Satar. email: mr.ias1@yahoo.com - ITV and Internet Reply to Dr. Adam U FORGOT HAZRAT MOULANA AHMED SADECK DESAI (DB) OF THE MAJLIS - PROBLABLY ONE OF THE MOST LEARNED AND UPRIGHTEOUS ULEMA OF THE TIME
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