Opposition to ITV
Quoted post
Mohamed Adam ITV |
#131 The Benefits of ITV compared to the Internet2012-07-30 07:17The people signing this opposition to ITV fail to see the double standards and hypocrisy of their own statements and arguments as they are using the Internet as a forum. The Internet is 10 times or 100 times more Haraam then ITV. The is 10 times or 100 times more likelihood of committing sin and evil on the Internet then there is on ITV. Why is the Jamiat and all the Ulema who condemn ITV silent on this glaring double standard???? |
Husain |
#147 Re: The Benefits of ITV compared to the Internet2012-07-30 11:50:48#131: Mohamed Adam ITV - The Benefits of ITV compared to the Internet The people signing this opposition to ITV fail to see the double standards and hypocrisy of their own statements and arguments as they are using the Internet as a forum. The Internet is 10 times or 100 times more Haraam then ITV. DR Adam you said, repeated, repeated and repeated the above, but do you realise what a VAST difference there is between the two? Inshsa-Allah i will reply in detail a little while later due to limited time right now. But in the mean time can you just answer a few questions for me? 1. By me using the internet, am i sinning in any way? 2. If i am sinning, am i sinning in the name of islaam? Is this internet we using called ISLAAMIC internet, with ulama at the forefront of its founding and existance? 3. Are the ulama, leaders and muslims going to see the sin we do here as ISLAAMIC and the better option to fornicating and drug doing and hence, start making the porn sites etc. less evil and shameless and then render it halaal? In most cases this internet is used as a necessity for work, studies etc. etc. etc. and what haraam people do on it is NOT on the shoulders of the ulama or any muslims. They are solely responsibly for their deeds. Until now NOBODY petitioned against the TV. WHY? because we muslims took no part or play in its ''productiveness'' and promotion.
Ferhaad |
#148 Re: The Benefits of ITV compared to the Internet2012-07-30 12:04:06#131: Mohamed Adam ITV - The Benefits of ITV compared to the Internet No, doctor Adam, the people that are using the internet are not listening to nusic and looking at Molvies mixing with females in the name of Islam. Please, be honest. Do not justify the Haraam intermingling that happens on your ITV. |
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