South African Government-declare Corrective Rape A Hate Crime!

Quoted post

Neville Engelbrecht

#1 Cultural Education

2010-11-25 14:09

Cultural education should form part these aims: Development of an individuals knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their own and different beliefs and cultures and how these influence other individuals and societies. The aim being that as a healthy wholly developed society we should all significantly contribute to the development of each individuals sense of identity through knowledge and understanding of the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural heritages of South Africa’s diverse society and of the local, national, and indeed - global dimensions of their lives.

In our twenty-first century world it is our hope that education should be socially just and thus advocate for an environment that is free from any discrimination based on sex,sexual orientation, language, culture and ethnicity, religion or disability.


Billi du Preez
The author of this petition

#2 Re: Cultural Education

2010-11-25 14:25:22

#1: Neville Engelbrecht - Cultural Education 

Well said, Neville.

I have advocated for years that such subjects be taught in schools, under the guise of "Life-skills", but I think the Education Department is still missing the mark!