Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post


#308 Re: Re: Re:

2012-01-21 20:33

#299: - Re: Re:

"ITBS testing is done earlier in the school year and would not reflect the benefits of the balanced calendar.  The balanced calendar was put in place last year. "

Not exactly.  First of all, the ITBS and CRCT are two totally different tests.  The ITBS is norm-referenced, which means it measures the achievements/capabilities of students in Cobb County and compares them to students around the rest of the country.  It's not testing based on the standards per se since standards vary between each state.  Last year the ITBS was administered the week we returned from the Fall break.  Therefore, students had just had a week off to rest and were feeling refreshed coming back into the testing.  It is perfectly reasonable to assume that there could be a direct correlation between that and the fact that scores were higher.

The CRCT is a criterion-referenced test.  It assesses how well the students have mastered the curriculum and standards required by the state of Georgia.  It is given six weeks before the end of the year, therefore teachers have to find a way to teach the fourth quarter standards to mastery within the first two weeks of the fourth quarter (with Spring Break typically occuring in between them), in addition to trying to find time to review the first, second, and third quarter standards.  This is what makes school so stressful on both the teachers and students these days.  Having an earlier start date and smaller breaks throughout the year did help.

"CRCT testiing, done toward the end of the academic year, woudl be the criteria on which to judge.  CRCT test scores were higher last year compared with the previous year."  Exactly, and bear in mind that we lost that week in January from the snow.  If we were still able to get higher CRCT scores with five less instructional days, imagine what could have been possible had they allowed the balanced calendar its full three years...


warrior girl

#320 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2012-01-22 18:08:17

#308: - Re: Re: Re:  

 Did you know other states give the ITBS at the end of the school year?? We measure for 5th grade at the beginning and not the end, how does this give us accuracy? The standardized tests cause more stress on students and teachers than the actual cuuriculum.  There was no September break this year to allow our testing students rest afterwards.  I know two students in my house who were so physically and mentally drained, that functioning afterwards took all they had.  The 7th grade did the COGAT and the ITBS, no rest for the child? The week after that insanity was supposed to have been our September break, that would have allowed for recovery.  Other states and counties use a balanced calendar and have better test scores than we do, and the working parents manage just fine and businesses have unique oppurtunities they would not otherwise.


#323 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2012-01-22 22:35:14


#324 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2012-01-22 22:42:32

#308: - Re: Re: Re: Your are absolutely correct regarding the differing goals of ITBS and CRCT. I was responding to the person who referred to ITBS testing scores being lower and attrbuting it to the balanced calendar.  With so many thoughtful contributions to this forum, I was trying for brevity in my response.  I think we have all seen some valid opinions and I hope our board is monitoring the discussion.