Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post


#298 Re: Here We Go Again

2012-01-20 19:41

#276: Mom 2 4 - Here We Go Again 

This is not automatically an indication of duplicate votes. If the members of a single household all sign the petition from one computer, it would result in multiple votes from a single IP address. For example, if both spouses in a married couple who share one computer each signs the petition, that's 2 signatures from 1 IP address.

But you are correct in that the ratio of signatures to distinct IP addresses can indicate fraud. For example, if 3,000 people signed this petition from 2 different IP addresses, there's a problem. In this case, however, to deduce that 22% of the petitions signators are members of the same household is entirely reasonable.


Mom 2 4

#303 Re: Re: Here We Go Again

2012-01-21 02:18:10

#298: - Re: Here We Go Again

Reasonable, yes I agree.  However, that was one of the "up in arms" issues the last time is that there could only be one vote from each IP address.  So, last time they threw all of the votes out from the same IP.  Unfortunately, they won't keep just one of those votes, they throw them all out.  Then you still don't have an accurate count...  It's just not helping this cause to continue signing from the same IP address.  I know that is difficult if you do not have access to another computer.