Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post

Bring back the balanced calender

#281 Re: Here We Go Again

2012-01-20 02:21

#276: Mom 2 4 - Here We Go Again 


So we take out the duplicate ip addresses and we have a accurate vote. Wow sounds like you took too many breaks in school because even my 12 year old figured that 1 out!


Mom 2 4

#302 Re: Re: Here We Go Again

2012-01-21 02:09:50

#281: Bring back the balanced calender - Re: Here We Go Again

Dear Bring Back the Balanced Calendar -- Why do you seem to have such a rude attitude to any comment that is not how you perceive it should be?  You are probably one of the main reasons the Board will not listen.  You make yourself sound uneducated by your responses to other people's posts.  And just for the record, I actually did not take too many breaks in school as I attended an international school overseas which has a much more vigorous curriculum than any state in our nation.