Indiegogo support regarding Micro Drone 4.0

Quoted post

Will Smith

#2 Multiple Micro Drone Signatures

2022-03-29 16:15

Hi Ivan,


Have you noticed that Micro Drone has signed this petition already three times? This may lead genuine supporters to sign it multiple times as well, which could undermine the intend of the petition. If you wouldn't mind, please check whether there is an option to remove multiple signatures from the petition.






Ivan Verdonck

#3 Re: Multiple Micro Drone Signatures

2022-04-07 08:39:50

#2: Will Smith - Multiple Micro Drone Signatures 

Thank you for reporting this.
You cannot sign multiple times with the same email address.
(Microdrone lowers itself to creating multiple email addresses in the name of Vernon and Lidia...) Of course I will remove double signatures. I deliberately leave the Post of Vernon and Lidia as proof.

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