Liridon Destani and his family. We need help!

Quoted post



2016-09-24 20:25

Við höfum meira en nóg pláss fyrir þessars fjölskyldu, ástæðulaust að senda þau burt, ómanneskjulegt.


Truth all the time.

#44 More more more immigrants,so fill up the country of them ?

2016-09-25 20:09:10

#34: -  

We have enaugh space for milljóns of people if we put people on the highlands in the snowy weather but the space is not the issue and the people have to live in homes or houses and Icelanders have plenty of people that don't have apartment to rent or buy and the government is not helping public here to get apartments but helping immigrants and that does not sound fair but if immigrants have there own money to buy apartments then it would be possitive...but life is not always fair or possitive.

Icelanders don't have money to support own medical and healt care or hospital system but if there are rich immigrants that want to support the Icelandic sistem with monney to run it them that would be exelent. But sadly that is not the fact in real life in world because immigrants are sadly all broke with many kinds of problems and public sistem has to pay and support in endless ways milking the sistem.

Immigrants with healt problems are costing the icelandic nation a fortune of money that we don't have and we have enaugh work to support our self and we don't need all the immigrants to clean up our tax money. 

No one wants to hear the truth strait out, guess that most of you hate my words but I can live with the truth.

It is so easy for some people to say yes and Amen or Allah to everything to immigrants when they come here and want new home and then just let the public system about fixing the problems and pay everything that needs to be payed.

10% of poppulation in Iceland are immigrants,but strangly ower 50% of prisoners here are immigrants here ,we don't need more prisoners because we don't have enough prisons for them.

Hope that some other nation will support this family to better life in future but there is enough problems here already.