Mandatory Vaccinations to Enter the Alberta Public School System

Quoted post


#34 Re: Re: Re:

2014-05-05 03:26

#31: Vaccines kill - Re: Re:

You actually have that backwards. There is a 1 in a million chance of a serious effect from a vaccine, there is a 1-3 in 1000 chance of dieing from the measles. That's more than ten times the chance of death from measles than death from a vaccine. I also urge you to research SSPE its a very VERY serious condition that someone who has had the measles can get. In fact its risk is exactly the same in numbers as a serious vaccine injury, so yes its rare, but it always includes death. The thing with SSPE is you... or your child whoever gets it may not even show signs of it for 7, 10, or even 30 years after you think they've fully recovered from the measles. This is a good example, the boy when the article was written hadn't died yet, but when you see the quality of life that is a result from the measles... is it worth taking that risk when there are so many more risks than that vaccine?



#37 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2014-05-05 07:02:50

#34: - Re: Re: Re:

Again your stats are incorrect, of course the propagandist CDC would like you to believe those stats.Over 400 measels cases in BC no deaths. The 1 in a million of being injured by vaccine is another lie. . 1in 68 have Autism not to mention childhood cancers, lifetime chronic illnesses, SYDS deaths, all those vaccine related thats almost 1in 20 or 30 that arent reported..Your continuos comments about Dr. Wakefield shows just how closeinde you are.

Man are you peoole brainwashed, there is no amount of safe toxins being injected in children.Stop pushing your ignorant knowledge so people can damage their children with vsccines and scare tactics against these childhood diseases. All these studies are done and paid for by the corrupt pharma. Next your gonna tell us that GMO foods are safe that the FDA approved like vaccines that they only have small amounts of chemicals and that they are safe to eat because Monsanto did their own studies and says so!!