town of hawkesbury on canada

Quoted post


#220 Re: employees

2014-02-01 11:22

#219: new citizen - employees 

 nobody knows how many there are but one thing is for sure, we have too many. They cost us a fortune with salary, benefits and pension plans. We are not aware of salary, another lack of transparency. But we do see how they have "never-ending" breaks. No "shift" work so we end up paying time and a half and double time during winters with snow removal. And i guess the town doesn't believe in lay-offs. When times are tough, we should be able to let go a few of the un-needed workers. My sympathies to you for buying a house here, you are now "condemned" to ownership of a broken-down, dictatored regime in a town with no future. Just like all the rest of us. Please do make your comments, i'm sure they will be usefull.



#222 Re: Re: employees

2014-02-01 16:42:44

#220: - Re: employees

Aactually one of my friends works there and says they are 9 people that work for the public works and they get double time only on Christmas and new years day and for the overtime they do all together combined it is less than half of the overtime 1 firefighter makes in a year