town of hawkesbury on canada

Quoted post

inside job

#192 Re: 4

2014-01-22 00:47

#4: - 4

Some people  think that all city employees dont work.Wow people should get the right information and they would see that the problem is at the staff level with the way they manage things.For example the new job of technical services director they created they wanted someone with an engenering degree so they would stop paying for engineers but they hired the army buddy of the ceo wich he has no degree wow way to go mr carrier



#195 Re: Re: 4

2014-01-22 12:52:56

#192: inside job - Re: 4 

 yeah, we all know that if you have a bad captain, you get even worse sailors! With Campbell leaving this year, maybe they will hire a "REAL" superintendent and get those guys working. I've seen so many times the employees taking breaks that never end. No work to be done? Lay-off a few if there is too many. That would scare the others wouldn't it? Who is the newly hired guy without the education needed for the job? Probably an outsider who doesn't pay taxes in Hawkesbury. Just like so many other members of staff in this town. I've also heard that the town clerk is giving a hard time to "Friends of Feral Cats". What's this all about? Giving a hard time to organizations that are trying to do good? Does the "town clerk" have a personnal vendetta? We should get rid of her if she just can't get her "feelings and anger" towards this organization under control. Doesn't she remember that WE are her boss? We need a clean-up in this town. Maybe we should get "out-of-town media" to look into this town as we have seen, local newspapers seem to have a certain collaboration with the town's leaders and businessmen. Simply put, there is too much incompetence in this town.