Petition in favour for Marica Pirosikova - EHCR

Quoted post

carla pedro


2014-01-06 05:12

I am Portuguese and my husband to us 5 children's are been taken by british SS us are desperate s want us babies back but lost in county court on 10 of december us not understand to much of the laws and the way hers work in UK my two younger boys are for go for adoption the two eldest for stay together in long term care my seven year old daughter is for stay alone in long term foster care us not doing nothing wrong to us children's my eldest as been paid by the social worker for lie against to the dad but my husband proof is innocence to the police but the judge and the SS simple don't care the feelings and wishes of my children's are not been taken in account my consulate and embassy already know what is going on but till now i waiting for is intervecion us already contact family members for the children's can be moved to Portugal and i hope that go ahead the consulate said if someone i Portugal can look for the children's that be good for the consulate can move the children's to there and yes Marica Pirosika deserve be in european union as a judge because she are human and she can bring justice for to many families u lost is children's in UK without any reason God bless Marica Pirosika



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2014-01-07 15:13:36