Let's Buy The Axiom

Quoted post


#32 Re:

2013-12-01 20:15

#28: -

It doesn't belong to the local authority. It is owned by a private company who are free to sell it to whoever pays the asking price. As an 'Arts Centre' it went broke twice. The taxpayers of Cheltenham shouldn't be expected to subsidise people's hobbies.


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2013-12-02 00:25:31


#36 Re: Re:

2013-12-02 00:44:44

#32: - Re:

a private company that went into liquidation have allowed the building to fall into further disrepair

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2013-12-02 03:30:47


#38 Re: Re:

2013-12-02 03:32:28

0#32: - Re:

#32: - Re:

I believe that the arts are a cultural necessity, and as with many organisations, (as well as individuals), nowadays require an external source of finance in order to sustain themselves.

Your argument, as I see it, is flawed, since the taxpayers of Cheltenham are likeley to benefit from having an artistic hub in the town. Besides which the venue atttracted people from a much further circumference than Cheltenham!

Maybe you don't like live music or photographs/paintings/drawings/dancing, theatre, or any of the other things on offer at an arts centre, but there are plenty of us, who do appreciate their existence, and feel that our culture and our lives are enriched by them, and through sharing them by means of venues, such as The Axiom Centre, reap great benefit from their existence in terms of social cohesion, individual identity, and a sense of belonging, to name but a few of the potential benefits that an arts centre can offer the population of a town or city, or even a village (as is the case in Uley).

Gloucester, very fortunately still has The Guildhall Arts Centre, and Stroud still has The Subscription Rooms and The SPACE (The Lansdown Hall and Gallery), as publically funded arts venues, all of which have greatly aided me in terms of my recovery from a severe brain injury.

I have frequented The Axiom many times during its existence too, although I come to Cheltenham a lot less since its' closure.

The Axiom was the best venue for miles around! And I, was incredibly sorry to hear of its' demise.

May it be resurrected, and contribute, once again, to a more eclectic and diverse artistic venue in Gloucestershire!

May it also, please, be funded (predominantly, at least) by the public purse, (i.e. the council).