Include indigenous languages in the curriculum

Say No to Extinction of Local Languages in the Digital Age

/ #3 a cause that all foresighted Ugandans should avoid the threat of extinction

2012-11-03 15:36

This a cause that all foresighted Ugandans should our local languages a facing a threat of extinction. In a world run by the 'survival for the fittest' jungle law...Africans should not merely become spectators in their own fate, but active participants in their struggle for cultural, language, economic, political and social independence...!!!

It is 50 YEARS NOW AFTER INDEPENDENCE From Our Colonial masters, but very few regions of Uganda have DEVELOPED their rich local languages....Take a leaf from China, Madarin, will soon be the language to pride in....So what is wrong with developing our own indigenous languages?!?

It is high time the African mind was freed from the vestiges of colonialism...!!!

Time to Decolonize the African mind is now, and one of the instruments to effect this change is priding ourselves in the EXCLUSIVITY and RICHNESS of our local language. There is nothing wrong with the local languages, some are even richer than the English many ways!!! Proverbial, Semantic, Depth of rendering concepts etc......What is wrong with mastering and priding in our own local languages? However much you master the English language, you CANNOT be english if you are born Ugandan with African skin colour! Time to EMBRACE OUR ROOTS and PRIDE in them!!!

--Barbra Natifu--Researcher, University of Oslo.