no to etoll


/ #16

2012-04-21 16:27

South Africans, despite our race, ethnicity, color or religion, this is a time for us to all stand together and overcome this great punishment that is about to be meted to us by those who are to protect us.
Despite the improper approach adapted to the conclusion that there would be a collection of the tolls, as we were not consulted, the effect of the tolls on the economy has not been properly alleviated, especially to those of the lower class. This coupled with the recent increase in the price of petrol, would only further punish and aggravate the already hungry. We pray for God’s guidance, strength and wisdom in order to overcome this irresponsible leadership of some institutions

Please sign the on going petition and spread the news as we need the strength in our numbers to speak for the nobleness of our cause. Viva

God bless Gauteng, God bless South Africa.