Save Creative Writing in TAFE

komninos zervos

/ #15 please explain

2010-11-22 02:01

does tafe want to be rid of creative writing all together? or are they proposing another course/subjects to replace what has been removed from the dip prof writing and editing?
if creative writing is removed from tafe then the only accredited creative writing courses will be those offered by universities. cae courses have been accredited through tafe in the past but not so in the future?
i fear that numbers for the re-jigged dip pwe will drop significantly as the creative writing element was one that attracted people to the course which would probably lead to the justification that tafe should not offer the dip pwe in the future either.

maybe a separate creative writing institute could be set up with a panel of writers determining criteria for accreditation and awarding qualifications and degrees. perhaps the wheeler centre could be a co-ordinator of such a project.

it would be a shame to have a society devoid of community based activity consisting only of university based literary activities. community writing activists were instrumental in getting australian literary studies introduced into universities in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and again community activity that introduced creative writing courses in the 1970s and 1980s, which were absorbed into universities by educational rationalisation of the 1980s.