We at The University of Northampton need an MSA!


/ #4 The MSA

2016-11-18 12:22

a high percentage of mature students this year mean we do need a voice. As a full time student, mother, carer and volunteer for girlguiding i found it invaluable to be a member of the MSA last year so i could socialise with others in similar situations to me... i did not feel alone. i was looking forward to supporting, and being supported by my fellow mature students and i now feel this has been taken away from me.

i was under the impression from last year that we were going to carry on with our four seats on council, and i feel extremely disapointed, let down by a system where i do not have sporty interests and the like.... so who can i socialise with now? i dont want to go and get drunk with much younger people, or join a sports club i have nothing in common with. 

I feel very let down and a little isolated.