Make Twitter deal with Danny Millers troll


/ #9

2016-10-02 10:19

Whoever this sick lunatic is needs to be taken down a peg or two! I'll try and spread the word, Danny doesn't deserve this at all. He's so generous, loveable, caring and is hugely talented. He puts so much work into his bereavement charity which makes me more proud to call myself a fan. The fact they've told him to lose weight and die makes my stomach turn. How can you sit there and be proud of yourself for saying something like that to someone? He's absolutely gorgeous, facially and physically so I've no idea what she thinks she sees. He's also the most talented actor I've seen grace my tv screen, therefore have no idea what she's on when saying "he can't act" either. He's known for being one of the best young stars of this generation and the fact he's already a multi-award winner at his age proves this. That's such an achievement! So I too want this troll taken down. It's gone on long enough now and there's only so much one can take before it gets too much. Love Danny! X