NZAP (New Zealand Animal Police) We MUST have a New System Who CAN Enforce the Law!


/ #78

2016-06-08 07:23

Having a genuine NZAP force will create the right messages to New Zealand as a country, in terms of how we treat and respect animals.If implemented, more can be concentrated on 'prevention' and not just an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff as it is now under the SPCA body.
.MPI is a pathetic excuse of an overseer for enforcing animal
welfare and ensuring that all animals are protected from abuse and or unecessary suffering. MPI should NEVER have been given this role for farm animals especially, as it is a HUGE CONFLICT of INTEREST. WE NEED THESE CHANGES DESPERATELY. Come on N.Z Govt .. GROW UP and get with the programme and follow suit with what other countries are doing .. N.Z has become a FARCE when it comes to Animal Welfare.