Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s


/ #15253

2016-05-20 03:07

Japan should play the game clean and the referee should be more open and less ego!

And this signature is to show that Japan should not proud or deserve their victory with cheating. If you see thing goes wrong, show your spirit to say "No" to those 2 free points.

For Japanese referee, Cheating is not how you show love to your country but you are destroying your country. Please be reminded that all players have trained very hard to fight the competition, please have to game gone clean and fair. If they lose, they would lose with understanding or if they win, they would win with proud and deserve their hard train and efforts.

For the main referee, of course the final judge is made by you, while you are holding this empowerment, please always take it as a serious consideration and fair, not by your emotional and ego. There must be some good reasons why you were selected to play this important role, please respect the selection and play your role fair. People make mistakes and so do you. While you only have two eyes and they can't roll around the court. That's why they have a challenge by referee policy. Don't let your ego ruin the game and righteousness. Open your mind, listen and give chances.

Hope everyone had their own lessons from this mistake.