Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s


/ #2239

2016-05-19 05:57

The red card to Thailand Team  along with 2 points to Japan Team right away are not fair indeed. Referee made dicision without fair in his mind. He may think that Thai Team was trying to hold the time and coash didn't respect him. The thinking of one person who thought he is the whole of universe at the time reflected by Thai Team has lost this game. Even in fact, Thai Team Coach didn't mean to hold the time. All he wanted to do was just want 2 referees to listen on what was going on with wifi and more about why Thai Team couldn't get their right to change or to challange or else. Head Referee or 1st Referee should consider himself as his dicision that was wrong was unfair and effected to Thai Team as well as to Thailand for the whole country.