Deny Parole to Annmarie Patrick Offender # 01283293


/ #34

2016-04-01 16:44

Because of her participation in the murder of Mr. Dan Martin she deserves to spend the rest of her life in jail! She helped end this mans life and should have to give up her life and freedom in exchange. Dan's little boy will have to grow up without a father! His parents will grow old without the loving help of their son. Its so heart breaking and unnecessary! But she is the one who made the decision and she will have to live with it until the day when she stands before the Lord for her second judgment for this action! I would not feel safe to live in the same community or shop at the same stores, eat in the same restrauntsas the muderer. She is where she deserves to be and she needs to stay there!
My prayers continue for the Marin Family.