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/ #22015-07-14 02:11Chung toi thinh cau Toa-an Trong tai cua Hoi dong Uy ban thuong truc cua Cao-uy LHQ xet lai ho so Chien tranh tai nuoc Vietnam ke tu Hiep ₫inh Gernever 1954 va HD Paris 1973 duoc Hoi dong bao an tai phan cho Dan toc Vietnam ngung chien va Tu giai quyet Hoa giai cho dan toc ve chien tranh Nam va Bac de tieng toi hiep thuong thong nhat va cham ducco su tham gia co van cua cac nuoc lon tham chien.Vi Toan dan cua nuoc Vietnam can cu theo cong uoc Quoc te cong nhan nhung chung toi bat suc ve Red China lam dung quyen nang va y lai su ho tro vu khi va quan dung trang bi cho CS mien bac danh pha huy hoai cong uoc Quoc te xam luoc Mien nam cua nuoc Vietnam dong thoi CSTC tan chiem ,Lanh hai tren cac hon dao nhu (HS&TS)cua VN da that thu vao 30/04/1975 co su thanh trung cung ung su trai voi luat phap tu nhan theo quy uoc QuocTe ? Ngoai ra Quan doi Red China vi pham cong uoc cua Chien tranh lanh sau 1975 dua Quan su tan cong vao lanh tho cua VN chien dich xam luoc vao 6tinh phuong Bac cung bien dao trong nhung nam 1979,1982,1984,1988,den nay ke ca cuoc khung bo pha hoai giet chet ngu phu va tong tien dem giang khoan HD981 thanh can cu tai HS&TS lam quan ngai Chien tranh tren Bien dong va vung ASEAN nhu la Quan doi Mafia cua Red China lam chu tren The gioi. ! Chung toi la DanToc Vietnam cung la thay mat cho Nhan loai can co quyen song va lao dong cong bang nen yeu cau Red China hay tra lai cho chung toi ve Lanh tho va Lanh hai do nuoc nay da xam luoc theo tieng trinh nhu tren la chon ly giua nguoi va nguoi cung chu quyen cua moi dan toc duoc thua huong theo dinh luat tu nhien cua nhan loai ! Thanh that tri an cua chung toi. |
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
Release 100 Years Movie ASAP (2026? 2027?)
No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
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