Save Our Moose


/ #30

2015-04-07 21:54

I believe that the reason the number of moose-vehicle accidents has increased is due to urban sprawl. There are a LOT more drivers on the road DAILY and YEAR-ROUBD than ever before. A lot of these drivers are also commuters which, during daylight savings time, leads to a lot of km's during dawn, dusk, and darkness.

In addition, as an avid moose hunter, i've personally noticed the decline in moose sightings in the last 10 years. I recall the success rate in area 5 being in the 80%'s. For 2013-2014, after the number of licenses in the area was increased, the rate is now 65%. The moose population can only manage a certain number of licenses. Increasing the number to decrease the population is not the answer, the success rate drops.

In my personal opinion, the way to decrease the number of MVA is to erect fencing in the high risk areas. I do not necessarily support this, but i'm not against it, and i believe it is a much better solution than trying to wipe out the moose population.