Australia Day Bill of Rights Run Petition


/ #218

2014-09-11 04:29

Yes, ANY legislation (statute under parliament) can be ignored or dismissed outright in any other piece of legisaltion the parliament sees fit. So VLAD could be ameneded for example to say that the BoR Act does not apply under this Act.


I am absolutely against a legislative (statute or Act of Parliament) on this matter as it is therefore ceding authority by the people to the parliament, ie, the parliamnet then "gives" permission. One which can be just as easily removed. not the other way around.


I demand that parliament is subservient to the people, not the other way around. What aldridge supports is an option for the people to be even MORE controlled. 


That's why this matter of a BoR needs much public debate and political integrity, neither of which is supported by people like him, let alone the understanding of potential consequences as it is a LEGAL document.