Children For The Children کمپین کودکان برای کودکان

Asheghe niniha(lover of children)

/ #3417 Dear Mr.Ban Ki-Mon

2014-08-17 08:05

Dear Mr.Ban Ki-Mon,

I as one human who love children ,dlike to know why you cant decide about murderer of children=Israel.
All children have right to live in their land .I am sorry for human rights which are only for American and European children .
UN ? What it did for gaza ones? It must respond to all world!
UN must punish this killer regime and provide permanent peace for Palestinian children . Palestine as like other countries has right to defend  its land and people against enemy even with gun and bombs.

We,muslims , must wait for how many decades?? who must prevent  this  war?? America??UN? You? human right?why UN didnt take action against  daishs who kill and annoy the people of Syria  ,Lebanon and  Iraq  ?? 

Pl  be responder to questions of world because you are responsibe.




Mant thanks

Masoume Abd.

lover of children
