Mandatory Vaccinations to Enter the Alberta Public School System


/ #35

2014-05-05 04:19

I believe that for everyone to stay protected against disease that EVERYONE who can be vaccinated MUST be vaccinated. Conscientious objection is a lie and fraud, and should not be acceptable as an excuse for being irresponsible and disresectful to the rest of society. It has been proven that vaccines save lives, and that they are NOT dangerous. Why give antivaxers credit for blatant lies and misinformation? Just because a deregistered quack from England was chasing money with his own vaccine 16 years ago and put a scare into anyone who listened to him doesn't mean he wasn't lying and a fraud. Wakefield was struck off rightfully and his paper was retracted - rightfully so. So for anyone to listen to idiots proclaiming that vaccines are evil, that they shed disease, that they cause autism is just plain crazy. Mandatory vaccination is a must - and it should have been legislated worldwide.