Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu)


/ #77 Subject

2014-04-04 09:36

Two choices here - they either end the strike now and people go back to work whilst micro businesses take 6 months to a year to recover (if ever)
The strike continues until after the May 2014 elections, ANC is elected for another 4 years, EFF gets parliament seats and Helen Zille resigns from DA. Lonmin withdraws from South Africa, so does Anglo and Impala. The economy collapses in South Africa, crime will be at an all time high (1 out of every 3 people will be murdered, raped or killed) repo rate continues to increase, electricity cuts due to Eskom's inability to budget, water shortages in rural areas, petrol prices increasing, inflation increasing and ofcourse, the e-tolls.

If you ask me? This country is doomed. Get your passports ready and start looking for other jobs while you can.