Petition in favour for Marica Pirosikova - EHCR


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2013-12-23 13:36

I'm Eleonora , as winner "Victory of common sense" over SS UK. I´m grandmother slovak both boys of slovak parents of children who were 2.5 years of forced adoption in the UK on the basis of lies SS UK and spurious charges Slovak parents. Today, my grandchildren live happily with their parents in Slovakia.
I can personally confirm that JUDr. Pirošíková Marica as Slovak agent before the ECHR and as a young, high educated lawyer she directly contributed to the return my grandsons in their own family. Reasonably and properly explained with relevant arguments many competent members in the British Parliament and also before the Slovak authorities. JUDr. Pirošíková is an experienced lawyer which working for more than 12 years as a Slovak representative before the ECHR, knowledge of several languages ​​spoken and written, her modesty and subtle tenacity for justice is an excellent candidate for a fair judge of the ECHR