
/ #31 REPORT uRBAN AGENT to ACCC consumer watchdog

2013-10-10 02:25

To guest no 4
MATE this is australia you can just ripoff ppl and run away! there us to be consequences otherwise those GREEDY organisers will do this again and again. YOU TELL ME Who is greedy organisers or us?
Unless you are one of them then ofcourse you will blindly support your buddies!
PERTH EVENT : Started late as expected, like Sydney we paid $249 each but closer to event the prices were dropped to $149 couldnt be more unfair. We bought our tickets within one hour of presale to support the event was very disappointed that not only the reduced the price and there was no memorabilia but also as the event started some ppl from the back seats which were cheapest were invited to sit on empty seats of king of bollywood. I believe these ppl were related to the organisers and knew how to get the best seats in the house for the cheapest price!! how disgusting!!! No offend to SRK and his stars. We still love you but you need to disassociate yourselves from the organisers action but doing the right thing which is reimburse ppl the difference in the price of tickets and give us our memorabilia!!