Námsmenn af fullri alvöru - Gegn niðurskurði fjárframlaga til LÍN


/ #41 Re: ...

2013-06-28 09:14

#6: x - ...

yeah, IT'S a loan, that's why it's stupid to have greater risk factor on it than grant or scholarship. some people have anxiaty, and having that hanging over you CAN make people like me buckle, even if my academic history shows I'm a hard working student, I'm still scared to death that I will fail one course and all of a sudden I have to pay student loan all at once, declare bankrupcy, quit uni because I can't afford it without the loan, and move back in with my parents. and THAT makes me get a lower grade than what I'm studying. I should be able to relaxe once I've gotten my loan, not panic because I might not be able to finish my education cause of stright rules about loans

what I'm trying to say, it was fine as it was, why do they feel the need to change it?