End Medical Mandates by Government Officials and Businesses in Massachusetts

flag-of-massachusetts1.jpegThis petition is for Massachusetts Voters.

We want to end these mandates, and prevent future ones, because they are in violation of the Nuremberg Code and informed consent. FDA Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)  - Subpart B - Sec. 50.20  "Concerning Informed Consent of Human Subjects" specifically makes it illegal to use coercion in order to make someone participate in a medical experiment. If one is coerced into injecting a vaccine that is experimental, or any drug or medical procedure with little knowledge of long term effects, there is no consent and it will harm people against their will. This specific petition is targeting the COVID-19 vaccines. The COVID-19 vaccines feature new technology that has never been used in humans and underwent a rushed process to get it into people. The leaders who demand that we take this medication ignore basic logic as to why we must take it.

Firstly, it is a human right to have the autonomy to say what one puts into their body.

Secondly, there is little evidence that these medications prevent the spread of COVID-19. There have been more cases in the recent months than ever before while there has been more people vaccinated than ever before. Recently, Vermont whose proportion of the population has the highest vaccination rate also had the highest proportion of COVID-19 cases.

Thirdly, there is no data on long term side effects. The United States have used the VAERS system for many years to detect signals of adverse events following vaccination. This has been used in years past to stop vaccine campaigns if there has been too many adverse reactions. The amount of adverse reactions associated with the COVID-19 vaccines are more than any other vaccine in years past, and has more signals than all of them combined. There is data that this vaccine travels out of the injection site and accumulates in distant tissues, most notably the ovaries and bone marrow. Vaccines are usually produced after 10 years of data while the COVID-19 vaccine took less than a year. This is not a rigorous standard that the United States and Massachusetts sets its standards upon, and surely should not be one that puts lives at risk and is in someone permanently. The vaccines of the past that have been mandated have had years of study and are for far worse disease.

Lastly, all of these mandates ignore the human immune system. The human immune system is one of the most evolved systems in the world. There are a multitude of studies suggesting that natural immunity not only exists, but is robust, long lasting, and more generalized than vaccination, meaning that it can cover variants of concern unlike the vaccines that must catch up with the new variants and will lead to a never ending need for boosters.

In summary, we want to end the mandates on the COVID-19 vaccines, future vaccines that undergo a similar process, as well as any medical procedures and/or pharmaceuticals of any kind mandated by government officials and businesses. We the people have a choice about what goes into our bodies. 

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