As the community of Dunnottar we are appealing to the public to help us be rid of the illegal immigrants who have invaded our suburb. We have reported this to the police and the home affairs unfortunately we haven't gotten help until now. The Somalians and the Pakistanis have taken over our local businesses and are selling rotten and expired food and they are allegedly selling drugs to our kids, having sex with our underaged girls. We sort out help from the public at large, we have tried peaceful Mobilization twice and got ambushed by the police and our local cpf and it is alleged that together the police and the cpf are benefitting from these illegal immigrants being here in our town as they collect bribes "protection fee" from them every month. As the tax paying citizens we have the right to peace and tranquility in our suburb, we are no way at all xenophobic we actually welcome our brothers and sisters upto to the point of them practicing illegal activities around us. That we can not tolerate, so we appeal to the public at large to help the community of Dunnottar Nigel in Ekurhuleni to rid ourselves of this plague around us who feel entitled to everything that belongs to us.

Umphakathi wase Dunnottar    Contact the author of the petition

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