Change Texas Laws- Rape Laws are outdated
How to get her justice? Please Vote Yes to Texas HB2071 sponsored by representative Ann Johnson.
I am begging everyone to contact their local State Representative and to support Ann Johnson’s Bill.
Please urge them to Vote Yes to Texas HB 2071 and pass it into law. Her Bill will allow me to get justice for the rape that happened to me when I was just 14. My story, along with supporting facts are on my website. My quest for closure is stopped cold until this Bill becomes law. I am begging you help pass this Bill not only for myself, but on behalf of all rape victims. The rape victim needs time to process everything that has happened to them get over the fear and the “dirty” feeling. The Law should be there to give them rights when they are ready to come forth no matter how long it takes everyone processes things differently. Please help Ann Johnson and pass this Bill into law. The sooner the better as this bill will be an answer to a prayer for so many people along with myself as we can finally get justice and hopefully closure to being raped. Right now, there are so many rapists thinking they got away with it and if the law does not change, the truth is they did. This travesty of justice must be stopped, and the rapist must be punished for the crime they committed. My rapist is out there bragging that he got away with it. He got away with it because the law was not there to protect me. I did not come forward sooner because I was so scared from all the threats that were made against me by the rapist and my mother if I ever let the truth out. This Bill is my only hope for closure. Rape is rape, no matter when it happened. Some victims need time before coming forward. Please visit my website by clicking on this link Justice for Rhonda or Please take a moment and sign this petition
Justice for Rhonda Contact the author of the petition