Call for Action to get Durbans Rubbish Removed

  1. Greetings Everybody, with the illegal SAMU strike not ending, many areas of Durbs have Uncollected Garbage for over 2 weeks. 
  2. The High Humidity of Durban creates more problems when uncollected refuse isn't collected, flies, maggots and many more unintended health consequences. 
  3. Uncollected Refuse that lies on the pavements are often torn apart and litter is scattered and Storm water drainage system gets clogged. 
  4. Durban has its fair share of problems over the years, 10 Oct 2017 Major Flooding, April Floods of 2022, Many people lost their loved ones. 
  5. This Public Petition goes out to All the Role players to end this illegal SAMU strike be it Political Parties, Unions and Ethekwini Municipality. 

Abu Zulqarnyn from Money Street Trading Pty Ltd    Contact the author of the petition

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